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今こそ国境を超えて、世界をひとつに!Freewillのクラウドファンディング「SPIN」上で、One Love Project が始動
*English follows below
2020年5月18日、Freewillは、NPO法人SPINプロジェクトと提携し、Freewillのオリジナルサービスである、クラウドファンディングSPINにて、グローバルな寄付プロジェクト「One Love Project」を立ち上げました!
そう考えたときに思いついたのは、自社のクラウドファンディングサービス「SPIN」を役立てること。代表のToshiさんの呼びかけのもと、「One Love(世界はひとつ」の精神で、人種や国籍を越えて助けあえるプラットフォームとして、このプロジェクトは始まりました。
今後も「One Love Project」内では、国内外の組織や団体と協力し、支援先を拡大していきます。
「One Love Project」をベースに、世界が結束して、次世代に受け継ぐべき文化や伝統が守られていくことを願います!
One Love Project
As of May 18th 2020, the One Love Project was released on SPIN, the story-funding platform sponsored by Freewill.
The One Love Project was created with the idea to protect cultures and traditions around the world that are left vulnerable due to the spread of Covid-19. The project’s aim is to support cultural organizations through donations amassed on SPIN, a blockchain-based crowdfunding platform (spin-project.org). As a company that strives to contribute to creating a sustainable society, the SPIN team realized that in order to flatten the curve, it is imperative that we waste no time in lending support to medical staff and institutions, as well as protect the invaluable cultures and heritages from being lost to the effects of the pandemic. Therefore, we have decided to send our donations to organizations in various countries around the world as well as international medical institutions.
Becoming One Love
The virus threatens us all, regardless of our race, nationality or religion. It is a reminder that our planet is interconnected, as well as all our lives. This is a time where we should overcome our cultural differences and cooperate to fight the challenges posed to mankind. As Israeli historian Yuval Noah Harari states, “If we choose global solidarity, it will be a victory not only against the coronavirus, but against all future epidemics and crises that might assail humankind in the 21st century. ” For this reason, we believe it is vital to protect the cultures that are at risk due to the Covid-19, and that this is only achievable through love and uniting as one, hence the name of our project - “One Love”.
Our Current and Future Projects
Currently, we have already launched our first sub-project in cooperation with an organization in Thailand. This project aims to support elephants in elephant camps in Thailand, who are unable to be supplied with sufficient food due to a loss in income as a result of Covid-19. Furthermore, we are also working on projects with organizations in Ukraine and Japan, to provide assistance to a children’s home and the villages in rural areas of Japan respectively. We also plan to cooperate with more organizations around the world to ensure that vulnerable cultures are protected through donations and support worldwide.
Photo from Thai Project
Photo from Ukraine Project
The One Love Project Team
Members involved in the One Love Project are from over 17 countries including Japan, Thailand, Russia, Singapore, Australia, China and so forth. Despite our different backgrounds, we all share the same goal, which is to create positive changes to the global society. We are trying our best to do what we can to support one another in this difficult time. This is also a great opportunity for us to learn about one another’s cultures and strengthen our cross-cultural communication skills. We hope that the One Love project will contribute to the battle against the pandemic and the protection of our culture and heritage, as well as inspire more people to join us in this project. Your small actions can lead to big changes. Showing solidarity in these distressing times can only benefit us all.