

シードテックでは、オフショア開発の拠点としてフィリピン・セブ島にSeed Tech Philippinesを立ち上げ、そこでは30名を超えるITエンジニアが働いています。

Seed Tech has established Seed Tech Philippines in Cebu, Philippines as a base for offshore development, with more than 30 software engineers working.

今回は、Seed Tech Philippinesで働くAmielさんにお話を伺いました。

We spoke with Amiel, who works at Seed Tech Philippines, for this interview.

学生時代からITエンジニアを目指し、学習を積んできたHe has been studying to become a software engineer since he was a student.


-Thank you for joining us today. First, could you share your background on why you became an engineer?

高校生の頃からPCゲームが好きで、特に「League of Legends」が好きでした。コンピューターに触れる機会が多い中で、自分の発想力を活かして新しいものを作り出したい気持ちが芽生えてきて、エンジニアを目指そうと思いました。プログラミングの授業を多く履修していたこともあり、自然な流れだったかもしれません。

I’ve always had a passion for computer games, particularly ‘League of Legends,’ since high school. Since I was always on computers, it sparked a desire to use my creativity to create new things, thus leading to my decision to become an engineer. I had also taken many programming classes, so it was a natural transition.


-To become an engineer, did you pursue any self-study on your own?


I taught myself programming independently through YouTube. Even after graduating, I continued to learn on my own, and even while in school I studied basic programming languages like HTML, CSS, and PHP. When the coronavirus pandemic hit and I couldn’t freely go out, I spent a lot of time watching videos on system development. It was during this period that I decided to pursue a career as a software engineer once the pandemic was over.


-Why did you decide to join Seedtech?


In the Philippines, most people work in Manila or Cebu. I was born and raised on the island next to Cebu and I wanted to work in Cebu, so I started looking for companies based in the area. I chose SeedTech because working for a global Japanese company would open up more career options in the future. I also wanted to expose myself to cutting-edge technology which will help me develop my skills.


-What is your impression after working for a Japanese company?


In regards to how they see work, I get the impression that Japanese people tend to work in a disciplined manner, while Filipinos enjoy a more casual and relaxed style. Thanks to the difference and their respective ways of thinking and working, I feel that the work environment is further enriched between the “disciplined and focused” Japanese style and the “relaxed, flexible, and adaptive” Filipino style.

大切なのは「Just Do It」 のマインドThe “Just Do It” mind is important


-What kind of projects have you been involved in since joining SeedTech?


For the first year and a half, I participated in a Shopify (EC platform) development project and was involved in application development and system construction. Currently, I am a member of the development team for an apparel company’s EC site and manage development progress as a team leader.


Even though we were developing EC-related applications, the programming languages used in the two projects were completely different, and it was a new challenge. I was grateful that a training period was set up for us to acquire the knowledge and skills necessary for the job before joining the project. Even during the project, there was a support system put in place for us to freely challenge ourselves.


-You mentioned that you’re currently a team leader. Being selected for this role early in your career with the company is a significant achievement and speaks to your capabilities. What skills and competencies do you believe are essential for an engineer and, specifically, for a team leader?


I would like to start by explaining the engineering side. I believe five things are required of engineers.


The first point is analytical skills. This is necessary when performing several different tasks, and analyzing the situation leads to swift task completion.


The second point is communication skills. They are essential for accurately conveying one’s opinions and for sharing and discussing thoughts and ideas with teammates.


The third point is social skills. Since work is a team-based activity, it is important to always take into consideration of other members.


The fourth point is management skills. This is similar to time management, but more so the skill to manage the progress of a project with the team.


The fifth point is the ability to continue learning: trends in IT change rapidly, and even if you become an expert in a certain technology, everything is quickly updated. You need to be aware of these trends and keep learning.


These five things have been important to my career as an engineer.


-I felt that it is necessary for all business people, not just engineers. How about as a team leader?


If you are a team leader, you are expected to check and manage everything within your team. It is hard to specify necessary skills, but I have the impression that there is a wide range of things that are required, such as technical follow-up, scheduling, task management, and communication with teammates.

責任を問われるポジションであるので、まずはこれまで培ってきたプログラミングスキルを頼りに、そのままプロセスに乗っていきました。Just Do It のマインドですね。なので、大事なものはこのマインドなのかもしれません。あとは、オンライン上にいろいろな情報があるので、インプットして実践していきました。

Since it was a position with responsibility, I first relied on the programming skills I had developed and went straight into the process.  It was a moment of Just Do It. So perhaps what is important is this mindset. I also found a lot of information online, so I applied them and put it into practice.


-When I listen to your story, I realize the importance of trying first.  


I have the personality to enjoy seeing my own growth, so I am able to take on anything with a positive attitude.  In any work, you are faced with difficulties, so you end up facing the challenges. I believe that even if you feel difficulties, challenging yourself head-on will lead you to a solution.

Be Athlete, Go World, Enjoy everything

ーSeed Tech Philippinesについて、ここからは伺っていきたいのですが、実際に働いてみて、会社の雰囲気やカルチャーはどのように感じていますか。

-Moving on, I would like to ask about Seed Tech Philippines. What do you feel about the atmosphere and culture of the company after actually working here?  

働き始めて3年半ほど経ちますが、Seed Tech Philippinesのことが大好きです。

I have been working here for about 3.5 years now and I love it.  


I can feel my growth, and the members I work with are very friendly and supportive.  I am always inspired by the professional and passionate mindsets of the members I work with. We also go out and have fun on weekends, so they are my colleagues. but also my friends.


In addition, since there are both Filipinos and Japanese in the organization, the importance of cultural sharing and mutual understanding is deeply rooted.  The organization’s diversity may have fostered a culture of mutual support for each other.


-Can you be more specific about the supportive culture that is fostered?


Earlier, I mentioned the difference between the Japanese and Filipino characters. One of the strengths that comes from the Filipino character is “adaptability and flexibility”. Even if a client makes several changes, we quickly adapt to the new situation and get on with a positive attitude. No matter how hectic the situation may be, I believe I contribute to the morale of the team by creating a cheerful and relaxed atmosphere.


In addition, since most of our clients are Japanese companies, the support of Japanese members is essential for sales activities and communication on the development site due to differences in language and cultural backgrounds. I feel reassured to know that they share a common understanding of the importance of communication to ensure that there are no discrepancies.

Seed Tech Philippinesの強みについて教えてください。

-What are the strengths of Seed Tech Philippines?

いくつかあると思いますが、まずは会社が掲げている3つの目標、Be Athlete, Go World, Enjoy everything を体現しているメンバーが集まっていることだと思います。この言葉たちは、メンバー一人ひとりの仕事に対して、とても良い影響をもたらしています。

There are several reasons, but I think the first one is that our members embody the three goals of the company: Be Athlete, Go World, Enjoy everything. These words have a very positive impact on the work of each member.


Another strength is the high quality of our engineers. One example is their ability to respond and adapt to each project. The environment is provided for the engineers to learn new programming languages allowing many of them to expand their skills following their ambitions. Since the projects we can handle depend on the quality of our engineers, I think we can say that our strength lies in our development capabilities.


Similar to the culture of mutual support that I mentioned earlier, the personnel assigned to a project have a clear scope of management and operation, and each has a system to follow up and cover for one another. I believe that this creates an environment to allows projects to progress smoothly because there is a sense of security generated from each other’s support from both technical and mental perspectives.

ー最後にSeed Tech PhilippinesでのAmielさんの目標を教えてください。

-Finally, can you share your goals while at Seed Tech Philippines?


In the future, I would like to be a project manager.


My current position as a team leader requires management from a technical perspective, whereas a project manager has many opportunities to communicate closely with the client. It requires communication and management inside and outside the team.


I am currently learning by watching the project manager work, listening and asking questions, and advancing tasks I can do now and how to get around them. I will use what I have learned so far to achieve my goal.


-Thank you very much!

メンターからの声Voice from the mentor

取材を通じて、Amielさんのこれまでのキャリアや今後の目標、Seed Tech Philippinesの強みや良さなどを語っていただきました。取材記事の最後に、セブ島のオフィスでAmielさんをサポートする高松さんに、Amielさんについて話を伺いました。

Through the interview, Amiel talked about his career to date, his future goals, and the strengths and advantages of Seed Tech Philippines. At the end, we interviewed Mr. Takamatsu who supports the office in Cebu Island, about Amiel.

彼はSeed Tech Philippinesに入社してからエンジニアになったメンバーです。入社当初はうまくいかず、苦しい時期もあったと思うのですが、自ら成長できるように、目の前のタスクに常に前向きに取り組んだ結果、リーダーというポジションを任せられるようになりました。今となってはなくてはならない存在です。

He is a member who became an engineer after joining Seed Tech Philippines. He had a difficult time when he first joined the company, but as a result of his constant positive approach to the tasks in front of him, he was able to grow. Now he is entrusted with the position of a leader. He is an indispensable member of the company.

Seed Tech Philippinesには、もともとIT留学事業のノウハウがあるので、フィリピンのメンバーを未経験からグローバルIT人材育成にできるのが我々の強みですし、その育成力が様々な案件に対応できる開発力・技術力へつながっています。その強みを活かし、クライアント企業の皆様の事業貢献をサポートしたいと思っています。

Seed Tech Philippines has expertise in the IT study abroad business, and our strength lies in our ability to train Filipino members with no experience in becoming global IT professionals. This in turn leads us to have strong development and technical capabilities allowing us to handle a variety of projects. We would like to support our client companies and their business by taking advantage of our strengths.

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