
“Work Hard, Play Hard” best describes the people at Kibidango.(一生懸命に働いて、一生懸命に遊ぶ。「Kibidango」を一言で表すとしたら、そんな会社だと思う)【先輩インタビュー】


今回は、社員として活躍する王 擎(ワン チン)さんにお話を伺いました。


\社員紹介/王 擎(ワン チン)さん




Ching has came to Japan in 2014 and joined Kibidango in the spring of 2018 as one of the interns. After he finished his underguraduate degree in Waseda University, he took his first step on the bright carrer as a member of Kibidango.

Ching, you have been working with us for around 4 years as a whole. Please, tell me a little bit about your first decision to take a job in Kibidango.(インターンの時期を含め「Kibidango」で働き始めて約4年間になりますが、入社に至った経緯について教えてください。)

Ching:At the beginning, I was only looking for an internship at Kibidango to enrich my resume and gain some real world experience. At first I wasn’t expecting much because after all it was only an internship and I thought my tasks would be nothing more than photocopying invoices. It turns out that I was tasked with negotiating deals with clients and making decisions. It was pretty daunting for the first few days but the sense of accomplishment and the great opportunity to challenge myself really drew me in. When Kibidango offered me a full time position, I accepted it without much thought.
王:初めは、履歴書の見栄えを良くするために実務経験を得たいなと思ってインターンを探し始めました。インターン生としての仕事なのであまり多くは期待してなかったです。請求書をコピーするくらいかなと(笑) ところがいざ蓋を開けてみると、顧客との取引交渉や意思決定といった重要度の高い仕事を任せてもらえることが分かりました。特に最初の数日間はへとへとになりながら取り組んでいましたが、達成感がありましたし、また挑戦できる環境に魅力を感じましたね。社員登用のお話を頂いたときは、迷わずオファーを受けました。

Can you explain more specifically about your job?(具体的にはどんな業務をするのでしょうか?

Ching:Sure. I find and reach out to prospective clients who might be interested in expanding their business to Japan. After they show interest, I negotiate and close the deal. Then I babysit the project and make sure everything runs smooth between the clients and the local team to the end.

After 4 years in Kibidango, what do you like most about your job? and what are some things you find to be negative?(業務の中で、一番魅力に感じる部分と難しく感じる部分はそれぞれ何ですか?

Ching:I love meeting with clients (project owners). Listening to them sharing their enthusiasm for their product never gets old. I also love the moment when a sample arrives at the office. It feels like Christmas every time.

I’m not really a fan of letting my clients down. It sucks to break the news to them on why their product failed. It never gets easy.
王:最大の魅力はプロジェクトオーナーとの出会いにあります。彼らの製品に対する熱意には常に刺激を受けます。あとは、サンプルがオフィスに到着する瞬間も大好きですね。毎回クリスマスのように感じます(笑) 最も辛いと感じる瞬間は、プロジェクトが成功しなかった際にその結果をプロジェクトオーナーへ伝える時です。気持ちの良いことではありませんし、何度経験しても慣れることはないですね。

What is your greatest achievement in Kibidango? (「Kibidango」で成し得た最大の成果は何ですか?

Ching:I think my greatest achievement is to have brought Buttress Pillow to Japan. For those who don’t know, a Buttress Pillow is a butt-shape pillow for the butt enthusiasts out there. It’s a niche, funny product that did surprisingly well. The warm comments from the backers means all the hard work was worth it.
王:一番大きな成功というと、「Buttress Pillow(バットレスピロー)」のプロジェクトですね。お尻好きのために作られた遊び心溢れるお尻型クッションなのですが、ニッチな製品でありながらも驚くほど多くのご支援をいただけました。支援者の方々からの温かいコメントを読んで、努力が報われたなと思いました。

How did the people who you work with influence you at work?(「Kibidango」のメンバーからは、どのような影響を受けましたか?)

Ching:I worked with an open minded, energetic team. Everyone is hard working but also knows how to have fun at the same time. I feel like the people I work with are the embodiment of the phrase “work hard, play hard”. I never really quite understand that phrase until I worked with people at Kibidango.

What would you say Kibidango's strength is? How are we different and unique?(「Kibidango」の強みは何だと思いますか?)

Ching:The strength of Kibidango is being inclusive to new ideas. Everyone is encouraged to voice their opinions. This is something I don’t think many companies adopt. Anyone can make a great positive impact and I think that is what makes Kibidango unique.

You have decided to move on to new challenges. What are you excited about? How do you think you can apply the experiences in Kibidango in your future job and career?(4月からは新たな環境での挑戦が始まりますが、将来に向けて「Kibidango」で培った経験をどのように活かしていきたいですか?)

Ching:I’m excited about the new field I’m entering. It’s a completely new field so there are plenty of new opportunities which I’m very excited about. I believe my experience at Kibidango equipped me with excellent problem solving skills that I can utilize in my next job.

Do you have any messages for people who are interested in working in Kibidango?(「Kibidango」に興味をお持ちの方々へ向けてメッセージをお願いします。)

Ching:If you are interested in gadgets and want to do things that matter, definitely consider joining Kibidango. Nothing is too small and every voice matters here.





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