
English Column:How each generation behave differently online? 各世代とインターネットの関係は?

How do you define a generation? We usually define a generation by their lifestyle and the values they hold. Today, we will talk about 4 different generations based on how each group interacts with technology nowadays. The 4 groups are: Baby boomers, Generation X, Generation Y, Generation Z

(*the definition is based on researches done in the U.S.A.)

世代をどのように定義しますか? 通常、世代はライフスタイルと価値観によって定義されます。今回は、各世代と今のテクノロジーとの関係を説明します。4つの異なる世代について話します。4つのグループは、ベビーブーマー (baby boomer)、ジェネレーションX (Generation X)、ジェネレーションY (Generation Y)、ジェネレーションZ (Generation Z)です。



Define: ~を定義する
Ex: It is very difficult to define the meaning of life.
*Define a company culture: 企業文化を規定する
*Definition: 定義

Nowadays: 当今、現代
*Even nowadays: いまだに
*Kids nowadays: 最近の子供たち

<Characteristics of different generations>


Baby boomers (1942~1965)

The baby boomers are probably the only group that people have a clear definition among all 4 groups. This generation is the generation those born after WWII ended. This was also the period where the economy started to rise not only in the United States but also in some other countries around the world. This generation is so significant in the sense that this was the time where America transformed so dramatically in terms of economy, technology, and society which brought America to a global superpower.

The baby boomers are more energetic, healthier, well-off compared to the other 3 groups. They believe hard work can bring success. They worked hard when they were young and do have enough money to live a good life while most of them are in their retirement ages now. These people are also loyal and disciplined.

Although, this generation seems to have a quite clear definition. However, some scholars argue that 1942~1965 are too wide. Some people actually came out with an argument that there should be a new generation in this 20-year- period.

People born after 1946 are sometimes defined as “Baby boomers II” or “Generation Jones” since life experiences were completely different for people who were born 20 years apart. “Baby boomers I” experienced Kennedy & Martin Luther King assassinations. They were active in the Civil Rights movements and the Vietnam War. Baby boomers II missed all these.

{Generation Jones (1954~1965)}




1946年以降に生まれた人は、人生の経験が20年離れて生まれた人とはまったく違うため、「ベビーブーマーズII」または「ジェネレーションジョーンズ」と定義されることもあります。 「ベビーブーマーI」はケネディとマーティンルーサーキングの暗殺を経験しました。彼らは公民権運動とベトナム戦争で活躍しました。Baby Boomers IIは、これらすべてを経験しませんでした。

{Generation Jones(1954〜1965)}


Significant:意味がある =meaningful
Ex: This is a very significant event in the history of this nation.

Ex: This village changed dramatically after years of development.
Ex: The birth rate of this country drops down dramatically in recent years.
*Dramatically affected: 劇的な影響
*Dramatically altered: 劇的に変化
*Dramatically cut down the use of wood: 木材の使用を劇的に削減する

In terms of:~に関して、~の観点から(言うと[見ると・見れば])
Ex: In terms of economy size, these two nations are very different.
Ex: Happiness is a thing that cannot be estimated in terms of money.

Ex: Jenny comes from a well-off family.

*Retirement account: 年金口座
*Retirement age: 定年
*Retirement allowance: 退職手当
*Retirement benefit scheme: 退職給付制度

Ex: The servant is loyal to his master.
*Loyal client: 忠実な顧客
*Loyal fellow: 忠実な仲間

Ex: Strict discipline was imposed on the troops.
Ex: Discipline is the key to success.
*Discipline a child: 子供にしつけをする

Assassination: 暗殺
*Assassination attempt: 暗殺未遂
*Assassination plot: 暗殺企画


Judy's English Column:How each generation behave differently online? 各世代とインターネットの関係は?
How do you define a generation? We usually define a generation by their lifestyle and the values they hold. Today, we will talk about 4 different generations based on how each group interacts with technology nowadays. The 4 groups are: Baby boomers, Gener

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