


ウクライナの子供たちへの支援として一昨日、柔道着を無事にワルシャワにお届けしました✌️ 50kgの荷物は、夜行バスや電車で何度も乗車拒否をされましたが、必殺技を編み出し、無事に在ポーランド日本国大使館に到着しました。 苦楽を共にした荷物に最後は愛着さえ湧いてました。 このようなミッションを頂いた柔道関係者の皆様、感謝を申し上げます。

I delivered judo suits to Warsaw for Ukrainian children. My 50 kg luggage was repeatedly refused boarding on night buses and trains. However, I could negotiate a special deal and took the luggage to the Polish Embassy of Japan. I have come to love this luggage. I would like to thank all the judo officials who gave me this mission. I have unspoken fears (history? Peace? Justice?") I think I have been able to resolve them. But the war is still going on.

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