
✶ドイツ出張体験記✶Behind the Scenes: A Business Trip to Germany's Battery Conference

Turnpoint Consultingでは現在、積極的に採用を行っております!今回は、6月に社員2名が出席したドイツ出張に関する内容をシェアします。Turnpoint Consultingではありとあらゆるインターナショナルな経験ができますが、その中でも海外出張は貴重なものです。今回選ばれた2人がどのようなことを経験できたのか、今後仕事にどのように活かしていけるのか、今回はいつもよりちょっぴり真面目に語ってもらいました。

🌎Turnpoint Consultingでの海外出張




左)ローリー・ハリソン | Rory
– Consultant

オーストラリア出身。2023年にTurnpoint Consultingに参画し、現在はSTS(Software Tools& Semiconductor)チーム所属のコンサルタントとして活躍する。

☆☆☆Roryについてもっと知りたい方はこちらもおすすめです→ 【社員座談会】Table Talk: Inside Perspectives

中央)ニコラス・フッチングス | Nick
– Senior Consultant

イギリス出身。2022年にTurnpoint Consultingに参画し、現在はIFS(Importers& Financial Services)チーム所属のコンサルタントとして活躍する。


Q. What was the main purpose of your business trip to Germany?|ドイツ出張の目的

Nick: We went to the battery conference to learn about the latest developments and technology trends related to batteries. It was also an opportunity to network and meet leading people within Europe.

Rory: Exactly. Some of our companies are based in Europe and has not had their business in Japan so far. If we could make connections with directors and senior managers, this allows us to develop business relationships when they potentially expand their business to Japan.

Q. Could you describe the most important meetings you had during your stay?|ドイツで経験したメインイベント

Nick: We had several important meetings with companies interested in entering the Japanese market, particularly in software-related products, which Rory will tell you more about.

Rory: It's hard to pinpoint one meeting. We also valued the opportunity to meet with existing clients, strengthening relationships with global teams supporting business in Japan. We also met with potential clients that don't have business in Japan yet but are interested in the market. Overall, it wasn't just about meeting people we already knew, but also connecting with target companies for future opportunities.

Q. How do you think this experience has contributed to your professional growth?|仕事に活かせる学び

Nick: For me, it's about learning about the software suppliers and battery companies. I don't usually work with these technologies directly, because I'm on the IFS (Importer and Financial Service) team, but now I can understand more about the components inside cars and their future from a technology point of view. This helps me talk to both clients and candidates about trends and developments.

Rory: I agree. It's mostly about awareness and knowledge of the market. Seeing what companies are doing globally, particularly in Europe, and comparing it to Japan is invaluable. It's knowledge that other consultants don't have because they weren't there face-to-face.
There are also two other important aspects as well. Firstly, we went to the heart of where many of our companies are based. Some of these companies are ahead of Japan, so it gave us foresight into potential trends.

Secondly, we got more in tune with people from various areas of Europe. This exposure is crucial because you never know if one of these people might become a future director in Japan. Having contact and experience dealing with these diverse communication styles is incredibly valuable for our professional growth.


Q. What were the main outcomes or achievements of this business trip?|この出張を通じて得られた成果

Nick: We built connections with current clients' global teams and established relationships with potential new clients and reach out to them via email or LinkedIn. From our experience, many of them were very receptive to speaking with us and quite open. They were often surprised that we were coming from Japan.

Rory: Having the ability to build these connections is crucial. While it may not lead to immediate business, we hope they'll remember us in the future - whether that's in three months, six months, a year, or even five years down the line. When these companies eventually come to Japan, hopefully they'll remember our names and who we are, allowing us to take advantage of those relationships.

Q. How do you think this experience will influence your future career path?|今後のキャリアへの影響

Rory: We were able to get some names and contact details for software companies that don't have businesses in Japan yet. If we can establish connections with these new clients, it could lead to more jobs, more things to work on, and opportunities to grow the team. It opens up possibilities for leadership or management in the future as the team grows with these new connections.

 Q. After all, can you briefly describe your itinerary for the three days?|全三日間のスケジュール内訳

Rory: We arrived in Germany on Monday morning local time. After checking into our hotel, we spent the first day exploring the city. Tuesday was dedicated entirely to the conference, attending talks, networking events, and visiting the expo. Wednesday involved further exploration of the expo and more in-depth networking with contacts we had briefly met the previous day. It was quite fast thinking about those three days.

Messages for those who are interested in Turnpoint Consulting|Turnpoint Consultingに興味を持ってくださった方々にメッセージを!

Nick: If you join Turnpoint Consulting, you'll soon see that there are valuable and rare opportunities for trips like this to Germany or America. These experiences allow you to do your job better and are simply not available in other recruiting companies in Japan.

Rory: That's a good point. In most recruiting agencies, you get incentives, bonuses, and promotions, but at Turnpoint Consulting, having these unique opportunities is different. It's very motivating to work hard, knowing that in three or six months, you may have the chance to do something like this.

いかがでしたでしょうか?Turnpoint Consultingでは海外に直接赴き、最先端の業界トレンドを学ぶという、人材業界内でも貴重な経験を積むことができます。経験年数、ポジションに関係無くチャンスは巡ってくるので、次の出張にはもしかしたらあなたが参加しているかも…?

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