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自己紹介 📝
Moeko: For Today, I'll interview Sachin from the engineering team! Please introduce yourself!
Sachin: So as you know my name is Sachin and I'm from India 🇮🇳.
It's been 2 years since I started to work at SpiderLabs. I'm an engineer, especially for the security infrastructure.
入社理由 🤝
Moeko: Thanks! So you said you came to Japan from India, why choose SpiderLabs, even though the company is located in Japan?
Sachin: First I wanted to work in the ad industry, so I looked for a company in Europe, there are some friends who are working at. But Katsuda-san sent a message through LinkedIn and had an interest. Finally, the company accepted me and I decided to work at Spider Labs, so I left Delhi and started a life in Tokyo.
入社後のギャップ ⚡️
Moeko: So it was your first time to live in Japan, do you feel some gaps between before and after you started to work in Japan, especially at Spider Labs?
日本での初めての生活ということでしたが、日本で、特にSpider Labsで働き始める前と後でギャップを感じたりすることはありましたか?
Sachin: The people in Japan are kind, and the workers in SpiderLabs are welcoming. Mainly Nagase-san and Katsuda-san helped a lot and there is an atmosphere that is easy to ask and tell and needs help to others.
(写真1: 財務経理マネージャー/永瀬さんとHRマネージャー/勝田さん )
Spiderに入って成長を感じること 📈
Moeko:Totally agree with that. I felt the same thing when I visited the office for the first time. Do you think you could grow up through work at Spider Labs?
私も同感です!!私も初めて出社した日同じように感じました!!そのような空気があるSpider Labsで成長できていると感じることはありますか?
Sachin: Yes, through 1 on 1 meetings every week, I feel more responsibility than before. In other words, all of us have to take responsibility for the work that we are committing.
どんな人であればSpiderで活躍できるか 🕊
Moeko:That's true. What do you think about the skills or mind to work at Spider Labs?
そうですね。Spider Labsで働く上でどんなスキルやマインドが必要であると感じますか?
Sachin: of course who can take responsibility, and additionally who has the skill to corporate and join for the team. Because we are always working together as a team with others. And also the skills to take initiative as a coordinator, we have to find and do some work before someone tells us to do something.
(写真2: 四半期会議で発表をするSachin)
日本の会社の働き方について 🍣
Moeko:it's really important to find things to do by ourselves, not only in SpiderLabs. So in general many people in Japan work from morning to night until 9 or 10, but did you feel some gaps after you started to work in Tokyo?
Sachin: I think too much for them to work, but at Spider Labs, it's really good i think. Especially after the pandemic, we are working both online and at the office and this style is comfortable for me. This style tends to make us lack communication but to solve this, we can join the premium Friday dinner.
日本人は少し働きすぎだと思いますが、Spider Labsでの働き方はすごくいいと思います!コロナ禍が終息し、オンラインでの出社と会社に行く両方の働き方ができることが私にとってはとても快適で気に入っています。オンラインだとコミュニケーション不足に陥りやすいですが、解決策としてプレミアムフライデーディナーなどを活用すれば問題ないと思います!
(写真3: プレミアムフライデーディナーの様子)
日本での生活について 🗼
Moeko: I also felt it's a really effective way to work, so I'm working both from home and at the office. As for the last question, what do you feel about life in Japan?
Sachin: It's really convenient, especially for transportation. I used to use a bike to go to the office in Delhi, but I don't have to use and park it. The parking lot is expensive haha. but sometimes I miss my bike in India. Anyway, I'll recommend that you work in Japan with non-Japanese people, it'll be such a nice experience.
Moeko: Life in Japan is really convenient. I hope more people will visit and choose to work in japan!! Thank you so much for having the time to interview today!!