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Yuki Spider Labs

株式会社Spider Labs / HR ManagerTokyo

Yuki Spider Labs

株式会社Spider Labs / HR Manager


-9 years of Office admin and Recruiting My strength is working fast, multitasking in the startup environment, being flexible, and working well under pressure.

Personal Achievements

Personal Achievements

Personal Achievements


In the future

強み/My strength summary ▼採用/Recruiting 1.ダイレクトスカウトによる採用経費削減※ ダイレクトスカウトの使用ツール(LinkedIn、ビズリーチ、Wantedly、Green、AMBI、CareerCross、Twitter

About 株式会社Spider  Labs

株式会社Spider Labs3 years

HR ManagerPresent

- Present

-Corporate Recruiter -Office Administrator -Personnel

一条工務店7 years

来場促進(House exhibition promoter)Present

- Present

-Talk to visitors for encourage to step into Ichijo house.

Global Engineering Service Co., Ltd.3 years

Talent Manager


-Talent Specialist, Global Recruiting -Business Admin

Nagoya Language Lovers3 years

English teacher/Teaching assistant, and Event organizer(Side)


-As a Listening class assistant, preparing texts, assist Native teacher's lesson. -Reading class staff -Event staff

株式会社メグラス3 years



-Office Administrator(from 2017 April -2018 October) -Petty Cash Management -Recruiting

Exchange Corporation KK(Paidy)3 years

Office manager


I'm doing these multipul tasks,Recruiting/Office Administrator/Personnel/CS Operation/Sales&Marketing Support japan K.K.7 months

Office Administrator(6month contract)


・Greet employees, visitors and guests ・Handle mails and deliveries ・Arrange bike and courier incl. preparation of pro-forma invoice for

Grobal Standard English Academy


English academy in the Philippines.

株式会社バンク・オブ・イノベーション - BOI1 year



As an Office Administrator for Bank of innovation,I supported for staffs. ・confirmation and order of consumables
・PC setup for a new employee,leaving staff's procedures
・Time Management
・Schedule Adjustment
・Reception for visiters
・Selection of contra

明治安田生命保険相互会社9 months



*Provided New merchandise. *Keeping Customer data in order.



Free Bird Institute



  • English - Conversational
  • Japanese - Native

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