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9/10(火)に、渋谷ヒカリエ9階で開催された「Tech for Impact Summit 2024」に参加してきました。On Tuesday 10 September, I had the privilege of attending the Tech for Impact Summit 2024, which was held on the 9th floor of Shibuya Hikarie.
9/10(火)に、渋谷ヒカリエ9階で開催された「Tech for Impact Summit 2024」に参加してきました。世界中から、Web3/ブロックチェーン/AI技術のトップや関係する方々が集まるイベントでした。世界中から人が集まるので、言語の壁を取り払うために、AI同時通訳サービスが導入されていました。イベントでの講演はほぼ全て英語だったので、英語が得意でない私にとっては非常に助かりました。同時にAI技術によって、このようなことが可能であるのだと実感し、AI技術は世界の壁を取り払うなと実感しました。
On Tuesday 10 September, I had the privilege of attending the Tech for Impact Summit 2024, which was held on the 9th floor of Shibuya Hikarie. The event brought together a number of distinguished leaders in the fields of Web3, blockchain and AI technology, as well as a diverse group of individuals from across the globe. To help overcome language barriers, an AI simultaneous interpretation service was introduced, as many attendees had travelled from all over the world. I found the lectures at the event to be presented in English, which was very helpful for me as English is not my forte. At the same time, I came to understand that AI technology is capable of making this possible and that it has the potential to break down barriers in the world.
I was also fortunate to have the opportunity to receive mentoring from a venture capitalist on two occasions. In the first session, I was the only Japanese speaker present, so the VC was very considerate and answered my questions in Japanese. I was grateful for the opportunity, but I felt a bit embarrassed that I didn't have the ability to speak English. I was grateful for the consideration shown by the people in my group, who spoke at a pace that was accessible to me. This allowed me to follow the discussions. On the second occasion, there were two Japanese participants and myself, the only foreigner. The group spoke in Japanese. I am very grateful for this. I was able to comprehend the majority of their discourse, although there were instances where English was interwoven. I thought it was interesting to see them alternating between Japanese and English when they spoke. During the mentoring session, when I inquired about recruitment, the words Rikunabi and Mynavi were not mentioned, and they indicated that they utilize Wantedy, Linkedin, Socios, and other platforms. I came to understand that our search for talent is not limited to Japan, but extends to the wider world.
I came to realise that I would benefit from learning English as soon as possible.
The event allowed me to gain insight into a different culture and to appreciate the importance of English and the kindness of people. I must admit that I initially felt it might be pointless to attend the event as I didn't speak the language, but I'm grateful that I did as I made some valuable connections.I would be grateful for the opportunity to participate in the event again, should it be held next time, as I would like to further develop my confidence in speaking English.
I would also like to express my gratitude to the organisers, the VCs who mentored us, our fellow participants in the same mentoring group and the staff for making this event possible.
This text was translated from DeepL translation.