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Katsuya Fujii
Katsuya is an entrepreneur and a researcher with a background in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. He received a Master's degree in Computer Science at the University of Tokyo under the supervision of Prof.Jun Rekimoto and is currently pursuing a Ph.D. His research focuses on Human Computer Interaction, Human Augmentation, and his interests include introducing new methods for learning technical skills with computational support. He has experience working as a software engineer at Applus IDIADA, an automotive company located in Barcelona, as well as working as a researcher at the Sony Computer Science Laboratory in Tokyo. He also worked as a researcher at MIT Media Lab, Fluid Interfaces Group. Currently, he is the CTO of an American startup, Runopia. Katsuya is a strong and proven leader, with deep technical expertise in both software and hardware development. Drawing on his extensive and diverse experience in the technology and startup space, he is also able to provide relevant and pragmatic advice for companies and individuals who have a great idea or product but lack the technical expertise to bring it to market.
齋藤 航平
Nakashima Yuta
北海道札幌市出身。趣味はドラムとギター。 音楽50%テクノロジー40%料理10%で構成されている。 機械学習エンジニアになりたかったが、Web開発の沼にハマり気づいたらバックエンドエンジニアになっていた人。 最近はPythonよりもPHPのほうが好きになりつつある。 フレームワーク自体のコードを読むタイプ。 コードを書くにあたって、アーキテクチャ、OOP、クラス設計、パフォーマンス、可読性を重視して、リファクタ要因の少ないコードを書くことを得意。 フロントエンドはクソ雑魚です。 学生時代は様々なインターンやハッカソンなどの技術イベントで好成績を収める。
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Founded on 04/2016
42 members
東京都渋谷区恵比寿西2-7-3 いちご恵比寿西ビル5F