FreakOut Inc., / Software Engineer
自作 - [yoheimuta/Linux-GetPidstat: Monitor each process metrics avg using each pidfile]( 保守 - [yoheimuta/hubot-aws: Hubot masters aws commands]( mackerelio/go-check-plugins - [check-redis: Fixed panic by yoheimuta #80]( - [check-procs: Fixed the counting logic with -p by yoheimuta #81]( fluent/fluentd-docs - [common-log-formats: Fixed the regexp format of nginx/error.log by yoheimuta #217]( tkuchiki/mackerel-plugin-linux-proc-stats - [Introduced the pid-pattern flag #1]( - [Option: exclude cumulative cpu time (cutime and cstime) #2]( myfinder/app-bigquery-importer-mysql - [Fixed: automatically removed a tempfile when the program exits #3]( charsbar/cli-dispatch - [Avoided to destroy some data of a CLI::Dispatch::Command's child class #1]( shogo82148/Redis-Fast - [Fixed: pass tests for MacOSX #56]( - [Support reconnecting on the specified error #57]( mackerelio/mackerel-agent-plugins - [[redis] Fix a bug to fetch no metrics of keys and expired #272]( - [Implement mackerel-plugin-twemproxy #283]( future-architect/vuls - [Moved to context #243]( - [Keep output of "vuls scan -report-*" to be same every times #272]( kotakanbe/go-cve-dictionary - [Moved to context #32]( - [Remove vet #31]( labstack/echo - [Failed "go vet" · Issue #710]( myfinder/webservice-mackerel - [Fail: perl 5.8 install dependencies (Data::Util 0.65) #6]( - [Extended hosts and host metrics api methods #5]( mackerelio/mackerel-client-go - [[mackerelio/mkr] Accept a value of 0 for warning and critical #38]( muddydixon/fluent-plugin-filter - [Use router.emit instead of Engine.emit to support fluentd v0.14 #9]( - [Introduce a delim config_param #10]( fluent/fluent-logger-golang - [Added fluent-logger-ruby compatible BufferOverflowHandler #42]( - [Remove wrong comments for 'f.Post(tag_name, "data")' #43]( fluent/fluent-logger-perl - [Called the buffer_overflow_handler at close() #19]( aws/aws-cli - [[awscli/1.11.4] `aws s3 sync` failed to delete any local files #2233]( mackerelio/fluent-plugin-mackerel - [Allow flush_interval less than 60s #22](