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Vishaal Varahamurthy

EMC Healthcare / Hardware Engineer

Vishaal Varahamurthy

EMC Healthcare / Hardware Engineer

Looking for Electrical Engineering Opportunities in Japan

Electrical Engineer with impeccable academic record and more than SIX (6) years’ experience in an aerospace sector startup. Experienced in ELECTRONICS DESIGN, EMBEDDED SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT, POWER ELECTRONICS, CONTROL SYSTEMS, TEST & INSTRUMENTATION. Native English speaker, and proficient in conversational Japanese, Spanish, and Korean, seeking an opportunity in System Design, Application Engineerin


In the future

I am a founding member of a rapidly growing aerospace startup in the Advanced Air Mobility industry where I have worked for six (6) years and I am now looking to find opportunities in Japan. I am looking for opportunities where I can be surrounded by people who are passionate about emerging technologies and where our unique backgrounds ca

EMC Healthcare2 years

Hardware EngineerPresent

- Present

LaunchPoint Electric Propulsion Solutions7 years

Electrical Engineer


[] • Founding member of LaunchPoint EPS (2020 spin-off) • Served as the lead electrical engineer in the design of ultra-lightweight motor controllers and generator systems (GenSets) for eVTOL/hybrid aircraf

University of California, Santa Barbara5 years

B.S. Electrical Engineering


3.98/4.00 GPA


  • Circuit design, simulation, and PCB layout for tight/lightweight systems

  • C Embedded systems programming, control systems programming/tuning

  • Python programming for test instrumentation interface and data processing

  • Git version control

  • Top level system block diagram creation, managing workflow through schematics, on-board software, and test instrumentation/planning

  • High power (high voltage & current) silicon carbide power system design and testing, Thermal and enclosure design for power electronics, Cable harness diagram creation, integrated system wiring diagrams and 20 skills


  • English - Native
  • Japanese - Conversational
  • Korean - Conversational
  • Spanish - Conversational

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