
How is it possible to create a “multicultural” organization at FORiT? -What are the strengths of our development system?

Hello everyone!
This time, we interviewed two directors of “Webridge”, a performance-based reward affiliate service with worldwide support.
We asked them about what made them decide to join FORiT, their roles, and the strengths of FORiT's organization.
Please read to the end!


Technology Management Division
Product Development Department
Director <S.H.>

Born in Tokyo, Japan.
After building a career as a Web Designer at an e-commerce vendor, she joined FORiT in 2020.

Global Marketing Division
Corporate Planning and Strategy Office & SEA Operations
Director <F.Z.>

Born in the Netherlands.
After a career as a graphic designer in the Netherlands and Japan, he joined FORiT in 2024.

Please share your job description.

Our company is developing a worldwide affiliate service called “Webridge,” and I am the director of that service.
I belong to the Product Development Department, to which engineers and designers belong. I support smooth communication between the business side and the development side by sharing some requests and gathering information that they need.
By improving the development system, I’m working hard to make the service available to people in any country around the world!

Like Ms. H, I am a director of Webridge, but I belong to the business side.
I am mainly responsible for the overall direction of Webridge, including the formulation of its business strategy and efforts to increase brand awareness worldwide.
We also have colleagues in Malaysia, Thailand, and Vietnam, so we are strengthening cooperation with our overseas offices.

What made you decide to join FORiT?

Having spent my career both overseas and in Japan, I felt that Japanese companies need to expand more globally in the future.
While many Japanese companies are conservative, I decided to join FORiT because it matched the corporate image I was looking for, such as the fact that it is pushing forward with overseas expansion and its high potential to become the world's No. 1 ASP.

In my previous job, I was a designer at an e-commerce vendor company, where I created banners and LPs in accordance with the client's policies. Since I was mainly creating as requested by the client, it was difficult to make suggestions even if I thought “this should be done better”.
When I was looking for a new job, I thought it would be better to work for a company that runs its own business, where I could have some discretion to make suggestions and improvements, and that is how I found FORiT.
I felt comfortable with my current boss who interviewed me, and I was sure that I would get along well with the other members of the company! So I joined FORiT.

What do you think are the “strengths” of the FORiT organization?

I think it is the presence of a bridge between the business side and the engineering side (= a director).
Having someone who has knowledge of both sides and acts as an “interpreter” for both sides makes the system development process go smoothly.
The members of FORiT are always coming up with new ideas, and I think that our ability to realize these requests in-house is a great strength.

-Was such a system already in place when you first joined FORiT?

In the beginning, there were times when we did not understand each other's information needs and cooperation was not going well, but just as we began to adopt development systems such as scrum development on the engineering side, I feel that opportunities for communication increased.
From there, both sides of Biz-Dev came to be able to verbalize what they wanted to do, and I think that is how the current organizational structure was established.
As for me personally, when I receive a request or consultation from the business side, I first try to understand the background and circumstances behind the request and sort out what actually needs to be solved. By understanding the background, I am able to clearly communicate what I want the engineers to do and what can be done or changed in the end, so that they can focus on the development that is truly necessary, which I think has increased development speed!

What do you find difficult about collaboration between the business side and the engineering side?

Members on the business side and engineers see things completely differently.
For example, just as salespeople and accountants have different perspectives, what we take for granted may be unknown to the other, so I find it difficult to reconcile our perceptions.
At FORiT, we have many global members, so we have to be creative in how we communicate with each other because of cultural differences.

-For example, what kind of innovations do you make?

We regularly report progress, set aside time for project review, and establish rules for communication.
Since we have members from various backgrounds and with different roles, we try to talk with each other until we have a clear understanding of each other's work, rather than ending the discussion with vague expressions.

↓Values and Rules

We try to share these values with new members when they join us.
The best thing we have done is to “visualize” everything.
By transcribing what we talked about into text or diagrams and checking each time, “Is this correct?” I think this has enabled us to proceed speedily and accurately.

Can you give us some examples of the work you two have been involved in?

Launch of Webridge to Thailand and Vietnam
Influencer platform function implemented
・In addition to Japanese, English, and Chinese (simplified and traditional), two languages, Thai and Vietnamese, are now supported.
・Currency expansion (up to 12 currencies)
・Improvement of proposal materials and preparation of foreign language versions  ...etc.
As mentioned above, our operations are diverse.

We have a vision of “becoming the world's No. 1 ASP,” and we are gradually increasing what we can do and the regions where we can do it toward that goal!

FORiT also has a service for the Japanese market called “afb”, which has been in operation for about 20 years. We are also strengthening our cooperation with the director of “afb”, and I feel that one of our great strengths is that we are able to reflect the know-how we have accumulated at “afb” while developing our products.

Tell us about your job satisfaction.

There are three main stages.
The first stage is when something needs to be improved and we are able to find someone within the company who has the information and skills to do so. I find it rewarding when I am able to bring out the hidden talents of a member of the team, because sometimes I can solve a problem in an unexpected way by consulting with others.
The second stage is when we are able to provide advertisers and publishers using Webridge with features that are easier to use and more profitable for them.
The third stage is when we are able to offer the Webridge service not only to Japan, but also to new regions.

I feel great joy when I work together with everyone in Webridge, on achieving our ambitious goals!

Yes, that's true!
There is no right answer, so it is very fun to feel like we are creating our own answers!

Thank you for taking the time to read this page to the end!
We hope that we have given you a glimpse of the culture of FORiT.

We are looking for members to work with us at FORiT.
If you like challenges, are looking for a multicultural environment, have a positive approach to everything, and want to make use of your foreign language skills, why don't we start by having a casual interview?


私たちは現在、グローバル展開を社内最注力事業としており、日本で培ったマーケティングのノウハウを活かして台湾・韓国・マレーシア・シンガポール等に向けた海外進出企業向けのマーケティング支援や、グローバル向け新サービスを展開しています。 当社は、自社開発したアフィリエイトプログラムを展開しており、現在累計約115万のパートナーメディアをネットワーク化。 多種多様なメディアがあるので、クライアント様はWeb・SNS・アプリ内等、広く最適な掲載面に成果報酬型で広告掲載が可能です。 海外向けのWeb広告代理店事業を展開し、海外進出を希望するクライアントのプロモーションや物流に関するコンサルティング等、幅広く対応しています。 【アフィリエイトとは】 商品購入、資料請求、会員登録などの成果条件を満たした際に広告費が支払われる、成果報酬型の広告です。 ‐広告主のメリット  ・成果条件を自由に設定可能  ・費用対効果が非常に高い  ・第三者目線で訴求してもらえる ‐アフィリエイターのメリット  ・運用しているサイトの収益化ができる ‐ユーザーのメリット  ・購入を検討している商品・サービスの比較ができる  ・安く購入できる場合がある と、Win-Win-Winなビジネスモデルになっています。 また、当社はお客様への提案力や開発力には絶対の自信を持っています。 ●お客様との信頼関係 ・専任の担当者がお客様のニーズを深く理解し、最適なソリューションを提案します ・約20年の実績で培った圧倒的な提案力と、課題解決に向けた迅速な対応力があります ・お客様の成長フェーズに合わせた長期的な関係を構築します ●圧倒的なスピード感と柔軟性を兼ね備えた開発力 ・100%自社開発で上流~下流まで一貫した開発が可能です ・最新技術を積極的に活用し、常に進化し続ける開発体制の構築しています ・ベンチャー企業ならではのスピード感を活かし、お客様からのニーズにも迅速に対応します 日本国内向けに展開している、自社開発プラットフォーム『afb(アフィビー)』は、専属担当の対応力や成果アップのための情報提供力が評価され、12年連続で高収入パートナー様からの満足度No.1を獲得しています!※¹ インターネット広告費は3兆3,330億円(前年比107.8%)※²で広告市場全体の成長を後押ししており、当社も創業以来右肩上がりの成長を続けています。 ※¹:2023年アフィリエイトマーケティング協会調べ ※²:株式会社電通調べ 【自社サービスのご紹介】 ‐afb(アフィビー) アフィリエイト広告配信プラットフォーム:https://www.afi-b.com/ 当社のメインプロダクトであり、国内最大級の規模となっております。 ‐Webridge(ウェブリッジ) 全世界対応型ASP:https://webridge.net/ja_jp afbで培ったノウハウと技術をベースにASEAN地域、欧米圏へ展開しています。 ‐その他事業:https://www.for-it.co.jp/business/ M&A、事業提携などにより新規プロダクトも続々拡大中です。


私たちは現在、グローバル展開を社内最注力事業としており、日本で培ったマーケティングのノウハウを活かして台湾・韓国・マレーシア・シンガポール等に向けた海外進出企業向けのマーケティング支援や、グローバル向け新サービスを展開しています。 当社は、自社開発したアフィリエイトプログラムを展開しており、現在累計約115万のパートナーメディアをネットワーク化。 多種多様なメディアがあるので、クライアント様はWeb・SNS・アプリ内等、広く最適な掲載面に成果報酬型で広告掲載が可能です。 海外向けのWeb広告代理店事業を展開し、海外進出を希望するクライアントのプロモーションや物流に関するコンサルティング等、幅広く対応しています。 【アフィリエイトとは】 商品購入、資料請求、会員登録などの成果条件を満たした際に広告費が支払われる、成果報酬型の広告です。 ‐広告主のメリット  ・成果条件を自由に設定可能  ・費用対効果が非常に高い  ・第三者目線で訴求してもらえる ‐アフィリエイターのメリット  ・運用しているサイトの収益化ができる ‐ユーザーのメリット  ・購入を検討している商品・サービスの比較ができる  ・安く購入できる場合がある と、Win-Win-Winなビジネスモデルになっています。 また、当社はお客様への提案力や開発力には絶対の自信を持っています。 ●お客様との信頼関係 ・専任の担当者がお客様のニーズを深く理解し、最適なソリューションを提案します ・約20年の実績で培った圧倒的な提案力と、課題解決に向けた迅速な対応力があります ・お客様の成長フェーズに合わせた長期的な関係を構築します ●圧倒的なスピード感と柔軟性を兼ね備えた開発力 ・100%自社開発で上流~下流まで一貫した開発が可能です ・最新技術を積極的に活用し、常に進化し続ける開発体制の構築しています ・ベンチャー企業ならではのスピード感を活かし、お客様からのニーズにも迅速に対応します 日本国内向けに展開している、自社開発したパフォーマンスマーケティングプラットフォーム『afb(アフィビー)』は、専属担当の対応力や成果アップのための情報提供力が評価され、12年連続で高収入パートナー様からの満足度No.1を獲得しています!※¹ インターネット広告費は3兆3,330億円(前年比107.8%)※²で広告市場全体の成長を後押ししており、当社も創業以来右肩上がりの成長を続けています。 ※¹:2023年アフィリエイトマーケティング協会調べ ※²:株式会社電通調べ 【自社サービスのご紹介】 ‐afb(アフィビー) パフォーマンスマーケティングプラットフォーム:https://www.afi-b.com/ 当社のメインプロダクトであり、国内最大級の規模となっております。 ‐Webridge(ウェブリッジ) 全世界対応型ASP:https://webridge.net/ja_jp afbで培ったノウハウと技術をベースにASEAN地域、欧米圏へ展開しています。 ‐その他事業:https://www.for-it.co.jp/business/ M&A、事業提携などにより新規プロダクトも続々拡大中です。


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