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こんにちは!この度QuantumBlackはMcKinsey Digitalのアカウントへお引越しすることになりました!今後はこちらのアカウントよりストーリー更新していきますので引き続きよろしくお願いします。McKinsey Digitalでは、デジタルコンサルタントに限らずデータサイエンティスト、エンジニア、デベロッパー、デザイナー等のエキスパートがグローバルで連携し、クライアント企業のデジタル変革や能力構築を支援しています。私たちと共に日本の現状をディスラプトし、デジタル変革を推進する仲間を募集しています!皆さんからのアクセスをお待ちしています! マッキンゼーデジタル採用ページ マッ...
Solving the toughest problems with data
Shuhei wanted an opportunity grow as a data scientist and software engineer. He found it at McKinsey.August 3, 2021I joined Tokyo QuantumBlack, a McKinsey company, because I wanted to work in an international environment on projects that would make a difference and help me grow as a data scientis...
QuantumBlackは2009年に英国ロンドンでデータとアナリティクスをF1レーシングに応用したことからスタートしました。2015年に戦略コンサルティングファーム最大手のMcKinsey & Companyとの合併を経て、2019年10月に東京オフィスを始動。McKinseyのAdvanced analyticsを担う中心として成長を続けています。今回は東京オフィス所属の若手データサイエンティスト(以下DS)3名にコンサル業界でDSとして働く理由や入社後のリアルな日常を語っていただきました。Wurihan(W): 京都大学経済研究科を卒業後、DSとして研究所での就業を経て2021年2...
マット・マクデビット、レイモンド・チャン、キム・ミニョン、 ヤン・ファン オーバービーク、永谷 朋子製薬業界では、営業・マーケティング活動とは独 立しているという意味で不可欠な役割を担うメディ カル・サイエンス・リエゾン(MSL)の重要性がま すます高まっている。MSLは、例えて言えば、製 薬業界の様々なステークホルダーや関連する専門 家らの入り組んだ関係の中心に位置しており、 キー・オピニオン・リーダー(KOL)との医学的・ 科学的情報の交換のパイプ役となっている。その 知識は、各社の医薬品ポートフォリオに大きな影 響を与えるため、この10年間、日本の製薬業界 では、多国籍企業も国内企...
Switching from industry to consulting with support and balance
McKinsey satisfies Xinlong’s thirst to learn and grow, and structured problem-solving is one of the most valuable skills he has acquired as a data scientist.What brought you to McKinsey?April 6, 2021A message on LinkedIn from a McKinsey recruiter forever changed my career as a data scientist. Thi...
The Changing Role and Importance of Data Engineering
Bruce Philp, Head of Data Engineering North America, Tom Goldenberg, Junior Principal Data Engineer and Toby Sykes, Global Head of Data Engineering, QuantumBlackOver the last decade, the role of the data engineer has evolved drastically. Industry shifts such as the emergence of scalable processin...
Modern Icons of Computing
Helen Mullings — Chief HR Officer at QuantumBlackInternational Women’s Day offers a valuable opportunity to celebrate female achievement. Over the last decade the day has grown in prominence and it’s tremendous to see a wave of new events, announcements and initiatives happening every year.Women ...
International Women’s Day: A year of #QBalance
A year ago on International Women’s Day 2019 we launched #QBalance; our commitment to improving gender parity across our company, and to being an active player in enabling more women to enter the data industry.While we haven’t yet reached our end goal, we are incredibly proud to be reporting prog...
Lessons For New Data Scientists We Wish We Had Known
Margaux Penwarden & Diana Murgulet, Data Scientists at QuantumBlackThe start of your career can often feel like a whirlwind — from your anxious initial days, to your first presentation and eventually your first promotion. Often, it is only after you have fully settled into an industry that you pa...
Data dilemmas: How much is too much (or not enough) for consumers?
Data dilemmas: How much is too much (or not enough) for consumers?Roger Burkhardt, Partner, Advanced AnalyticsThe social media firestorm raining down after a blogger sounded the alarm on a potentially “sexist credit card” highlights the importance of customer perceptions around the ethics of algo...
Why Japan Offers A Perfect Storm For Advanced Analytics
Why Japan Offers A Perfect Storm For Advanced AnalyticsMatt McDevitt — COO, QuantumBlack JapanAdvanced analytics is transforming economies around the world. From North America, through Europe and across to Asia, it seems as though all sectors are harnessing machine learning and AI to drive perfor...
Introducing Kedro: The open source library for production-ready Machine Learning code
We are excited to announce that hashtag#Kedro won the best “Technical Tool or Framework for AI” in Awards.AI!Awards AI celebrates the achievements in developing new algorithms, products and services across many different categories and industries.You can learn more here: https://lnkd.in/gBFs7ipha...
Introducing CausalNex — Driving Models Which Respect Cause And Effect
We're delighted to introduce our latest open source software, CausalNex - designed to help data scientists build machine learning models that consider causality in data, not just correlation. CausalNex offers a single end-to-end process which helps data scientists build models which generate more...