


昨日、ストレッチを受けている最中にすごいニュースが飛び込んできました。東京都知事選でなんと無党派の石丸伸二候補が立憲民主党と共産党が推す蓮舫候補を抑え2位になったというのです。得票率は次のとおり。(小池百合子=42.8%、石丸伸二=24.3%、蓮舫=18.8%  投票率は60.6%)近年の選挙ではかなり高い投票率で、とても関心が高かったことが伺えます。







"A Night I Felt the Tide of the Times"

(Photo: NHK exit poll analysis of supporters)

Yesterday, during my stretching session, I received surprising news. In the Tokyo gubernatorial election, independent candidate Shinji Ishimaru came in second place, surpassing Renho, who was backed by the Constitutional Democratic Party and the Communist Party. The voting percentages were as follows: Yuriko Koike 42.8%, Shinji Ishimaru 24.3%, Renho 18.8%, with a voter turnout of 60.6%. This high turnout indicates a high level of interest in the election.

It's already astonishing that a local mayor from Hiroshima Prefecture achieved second place in the "first round" of the Tokyo gubernatorial election. Moreover, Ishimaru secured 1.65 million votes without any political party support or organizational backing. That's impressive! Incidentally, the famous Dr. Nakamatsu (96 years old), who I sympathized with and voted for, received 23,000 votes.

Utilizing internet media, Ishimaru treated politicians as mere political operators and seemed to mock existing media. During the campaign, he remarked, "TV stations and newspapers, have you not realized that you only deal with secondary information?" This stance against established powers resonated, gaining over 40% support among those under 20.

In elections, "the power of the individual can sometimes surpass that of the organization."

The impact Ishimaru made in the Tokyo gubernatorial election would have been unthinkable in an era without the internet. The power structures of politics and media have long been fixed. It was believed that young people without a solid base, status, or money found it difficult to challenge politics on their own.

Through this election, Ishimaru showed that "autonomous individuals" can fight effectively using the internet without relying on established organizations or power. Last night, the times changed. I believe that in future elections, those without "autonomous communication skills" will not be able to win. It's not just about elections; this is a necessity for the times.

Signing off with today’s final stroke of the brush:
"Let's develop our own autonomous communication skills."

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