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Misato Yoshigaki

Miles Japan KK. / Director of Sales - Brands東京都

Misato Yoshigaki

Miles Japan KK. / Director of Sales - Brands

Associate Director of Business Development at Scrum Studio Inc

Miles Japan KK.4 years

Director of Sales - BrandsPresent

- Present

Scrum Studio Inc.4 years

Associate Director of Business DevelopmentPresent

- Present

Responsible for business development at Scrum Studio. In this role, I help startups form business partnerships with Japanese corporations. I serve as the Director of Sales - Brands of Miles as well.

WeWork1 year

Chief of Staff to VP of Growth


After a successful career as the 1st sales trainer, the VP of Sales & Marketing was appointed to his 1st Cheif of Staff. Managed various revenue-driven projects as the project manager and continuously acted as the Sales Enablement manager at the same time.

Sales Enablement Manager

Established 1st official sales training for sales reps and developed the proper onboarding training for all new hires under sales org as 1st sales trainer in the company.

About LINE株式会社

LINE株式会社1 year

Talent Development/L&D/HR Business Parnter


Developed the 2-month new grads training for all departments (Sales, Planners, Engineers) with both Japanese and English and conducted continuous training for grads. An organized language program was one of the employee benefits programs.

About Indeed Japan株式会社

Indeed Japan株式会社5 years

Training and Development Specialist, Global Sales Enablement


After a successful career as a Sales Trainer, I was promoted to Training and Development Specialist who leads the training team and mentors new member in Japan

Sales Trainer, Global Sales Enablement

After 2+ years in Agency Relations team, I made a career change to Global Sales Enablement team to expand my career into international business and appointed as a first Sales Trainer in Japan market - Developed a new employee onboarding program customized for Japan market

Senior Account Executive - Agency Relations

After a career as an Agency Relations Account Executive, I was promoted to Senior Account Executive who leads the Japan Agency team - Led a team of 9 Agency Account Executives - Managed 30% of overall Japan market revenue and 5% of global revenue

Account Executive - Agency Relations

As a first Agency Relations Account Executive in Japan, I was responsible for the following - Established, managed and grew our partnerships with over 50 advertising, media-buying, and digital agencies

Brights & Company Inc.1 year

Recruiting & Career Advisor


- Achieved client’s recruiting target by operating 10 screening meetings in a month on behalf of the client and for 6months. - Defeated outsourcing competitor because of high quality service and it became exclusive contract.

About エン・ジャパン株式会社

エン・ジャパン株式会社3 years

Recruiting Adviser


- Conducted face to face visit, lived whole products which were recruiting ads, employee training and aptitude tests - Created more than +300 advertisements through interviews for each client

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