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  • 52 registered

Join us! Be one of JELLYFISH Partners


on 2020-12-15


52 requested to visit

Join us! Be one of JELLYFISH Partners

Mid-career・Side Job
New Graduate
Expanding business abroad
Mid-career・Side Job
New Graduate
Expanding business abroad

ウイリアム ルー

▼主なキャリア 新卒で株式会社JELLYFISHに入社し、キャリアアドバイザーとして活躍しております。 外国人ITエンジニア・ゲームエンジニアを専門領域としている ・ITエンジニアの転職を全面にサポートし、内定承諾まで補助する ・エンジニアに適正なアドバイスを与え、最大限の能力を引き出す ・年間離職率0%、内定承諾率95%超え ・社内最高決定金額更新 ・社内IT・ゲーム業界のセミナー担当 ▼主な強み ・高いコミュニケーションと対人能力 ・5か国語語を全てビジネスレベルで対応可能 ➛ノルウェー語:流暢 ➛英語:流暢 ➛広東語:ネイティブレベル ➛日本語:流暢 (読み・書き・会話において) ➛中国語:流暢 ・ゲーム業界やWeb業界をはじめ、幅広い業界にハイレベルまで対応できる ・ジャンルに関わらず、歴史と最新トレンドを含め、ゲーム業界全般において豊富な知識を持っている ▼趣味 ・Eスポーツ ・フルスタック開発(勉強中)  ⇒ HTML/CSS, JavaScript, Bootstrap, jQuery, Flutter  ⇒ ReactJS, VueJS, NodeJS, ExpressJS, NPM, Git, EJS  =>MongoDB(Mongoose), GraphQL ・ゲーム開発:Unity(C# - 勉強中) ・スポーツ:ブレイクダンス/格闘技/(基本的に球技が下手)卓球、バドミントン ・動画:Sony Vegas, Youtube, Twitch, E-Sport 最も好きなタイトル: ・USF4 ・朧村正 ・モンハンクロス ・Cupheads ・鉄拳7 - Season2

【社員インタビュー】"心の底から熱くなれる場所がここにある" ノルウェー出身のWilliamさんをインタビューしました!

ウイリアム ルー's story

Shin Ukai

【略歴】 1992年生まれ 滋賀県出身 2015年 東洋電装株式会社 経理部  新卒で創業70年の自動車部品メーカーに入社し、経理部で連結決算・管理会計・監査対応などを担当 2018年 トライデントアーツ株式会社  ブロックチェーンのスタートアップに転職し、バックオフィス全般と事業推進を担当。正式入社4か月後に資金ショートし従業員全員整理解雇となる。 2019年 株式会社JELLYFISH 経営管理部マネージャー就任(現職)  関連会社含め経理・財務・法務・人事・経営企画を担当。 2020年 Guidy株式会社 代表取締役就任(現職)  ベンチャー・スタートアップ等中小企業100社以上の財務支援を行う。 ▼主な強み ・会社経営全般の知見 ・銀行融資を中心とする資金調達 ・組織作り、財務状況の改善 ・補助金コンサルティング ・M&Aアドバイザリー ▼趣味 ・ラーメン二郎 ・元ラガーマン


Shin Ukai's story

Sho Tanaka

1983年生まれ、京都市出身、中央大学卒。 大学在籍中にネット回線や携帯電話、クレカ端末、保険などの営業代理店を個人事業で開始。大学卒業後に通信代理店として株式会社JELLYFISH創業。現在は複数プロジェクトに経営や投資で関わっています。


Sho Tanaka's story

藤本 彩

株式会社JELLYFISH's members

▼主なキャリア 新卒で株式会社JELLYFISHに入社し、キャリアアドバイザーとして活躍しております。 外国人ITエンジニア・ゲームエンジニアを専門領域としている ・ITエンジニアの転職を全面にサポートし、内定承諾まで補助する ・エンジニアに適正なアドバイスを与え、最大限の能力を引き出す ・年間離職率0%、内定承諾率95%超え ・社内最高決定金額更新 ・社内IT・ゲーム業界のセミナー担当 ▼主な強み ・高いコミュニケーションと対人能力 ・5か国語語を全てビジネスレベルで対応可能 ➛ノルウェー語:流暢 ➛英語:流暢 ➛広東語:ネイティブレベル ➛日本語:流暢 (読み・書き・会話において)...

What we do

JELLYFISH.Inc was established in 2007 with a mission of helping foreigners to be able to lead a comfortable life in Japan. Starting off as a communication provider business, in the span of a decade, the company is able to grow significantly and covers many business areas such as: Japanese language education, both inside and outside Japan and also Employment support for foreigners who wish to work in Japan.
JELLYFISH is a team of people from diverse background with same mission,  Our style of working is WORK HARD PLAY HARD

What we do

JELLYFISH is a team of people from diverse background with same mission, Our style of working is WORK HARD PLAY HARD

JELLYFISH.Inc was established in 2007 with a mission of helping foreigners to be able to lead a comfortable life in Japan. Starting off as a communication provider business, in the span of a decade, the company is able to grow significantly and covers many business areas such as: Japanese language education, both inside and outside Japan and also Employment support for foreigners who wish to work in Japan.

Why we do

Expand Your Horizons. We aim to create opportunities for self-fulfillment through education and jobs for people all over the world and to be a bridge connecting the present and the future.

How we do

Job introduction for foreign job seekers has become our main business since 2017, and we managed to support hundreds of foreign job seekers to achieve their dream career in Japan. Our job site MIXESS specializes in IT related job referrals and has more than 20,000 registered users. We also specialize in referrals to Japanese companies that actively hire foreign workers. In May 2020, MIXESS is officially relaunched with new and upgraded features, not only as a job-site MIXESS has become a place where users can interact and share information with each other. Our aim is to become the biggest IT Community Hub for foreigners in Japan. OUR SUBSIDIARIES: ■BABEL METHOD We offer online Japanese language education with methods specifically designed to help foreign employees to level up their Japanese skills in a business environment. ■OKUTAMA+ We offer wide open space for rent located in Okutama, the outskirts of Tokyo surrounded by nature. This space is perfect for company or group gatherings, projects and other events.

As a new team member

★To be a successful Jellyfish Ambassador, you will need to have these points: ・Understand the vision and mission of Jellyfish and have aligned interest with our company : Helping global IT talent to find their dream job in Japan ・Excellent social media user, with the ability to advertise our service and attract potential market and communities, have the ability to create contents that generates high engagement and conversion rate. ・Have a creative mind and able to find new ways to market Jellyfish's service and steadily build market awareness ・Have something that you love doing, and can use/integrate that skill to promote Jellyfish   ※example:   - You love connecting with people and join communities, you use that skill to become one of our Talent recruiter   - You love creating videos / vlog / social media savvy, you can create a Youtube video or other medias to promote Jellyfish   - You love playing music/dancing/sports, you use that hobby to promote Jellyfish   - and so on ... as long as you are willing to utilize your skill and have the same vision as us then join us! ★Status : ①First you will join as freelancers/intern/part-timer as and show us what you can do (probation period) ②Then you can proceed as our core member according to your offered skill and experience!
2 recommendations

2 recommendations

What happens after you apply?

  1. ApplyClick "Want to Visit"
  2. Wait for a reply
  3. Set a date
  4. Meet up
Job Post Features
Online interviews OK

Company info

Founded on 03/2007

50 members

  • Funded more than $300,000/
  • Funded more than $1,000,000/
  • Expanding business abroad/