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Kazuhiro Ogura
Kazuhiro Ogura started his company Horizon Digital Enterprise, Inc. (which changed its name into HDE Inc. later in 2005, and then into HENNGE later in 2019) in 1996 when he was a 21-year-old student at Hitotsubashi University, and he still is a CEO until now, so he doesn't have any working records other than in HENNGE. He started programming at the age of 6 years old because his parents didn't buy him a video game system; he had to program his own game himself. While he never ended creating an interesting title, that experience nurtured his enthusiasm for programming, and he kept on learning geeky things until he reached the age of 15. At 15 he realized that no girls in the class were talking to him, so he decided to turn into a different kind of person when he entered high school. He buried his MSX personal computer and started playing guitar (which sadly didn't lead to getting a girlfriend) for 3 years. But after he graduated from high school, he attended a prep school nearby the famous electric city Akihabara, in which he met the computer again and got mesmerized by the super progress of technology of 3 years. After he entered a university, he bought a computer and re-started learning programming on Linux. It was still 1995 and he thought that Linux will bring something new to the world, and he finally started his own company with his friends, to sell Linux based systems to companies in Japan (around 2011 they pivoted their business to become a cloud service vendor). Besides playing the CEO role, he always stayed as an engineer in HENNGE and in 2011 he also named himself as a CTO. At the office, he usually wears kimono, Japanese traditional wear.
永留 義己
Makoto Ikemoto
HENNGE Oneの営業部隊の部長をやっております。前職ではGoogleが提供するSaaSを販売しておりました。当社では首都圏以外の地域の開拓、名古屋支社の立ち上げなどを経験した後、海外営業のマネージャーを経験、現職となっています。「失敗を恐れずにまずはやってみる」が当社のカルチャーであり、自分も心掛けていることです。おっさんになっても日々成長、何かしらで頑張っていたいと思っています。
渡辺 宏哉
新卒でHENNGEに入社後、人事、インサイドセールス、ハイタッチセールスの経験を経て、同社Customer Success 部門に異動。現在は既存顧客向けのRenewal Sales を担当する傍ら、HENNGE投資先企業との業務提携担当としても従事。
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Company info
Founded on 11/1996
308 members
東京都渋谷区南平台16-28 Daiwa渋谷スクエア