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Priscilla Han
Priscilla focuses on creating a learning environment to develop entrepreneurship thinking & practice. She works with startup founders to pursue their mission through a human-centric way of entrepreneurship. Prior to Reapra, Priscilla sat in a wide range of positions in the startup and investment space including portfolio manager, M&A practitioner, co-founder, Investment Committee member, researcher and fundraiser. She has spent more than 15 years covering Southeast Asia, Japan, and New Zealand. Priscilla earned an Executive MSc from Baruch College, NY and Bachelor in Corporate Finance & Marketing from the University of Western Australia. She recently received Nassim Taleb's Mini-Certificate in Real World Risk Management.
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Founded on 12/2016
30 members
東京都新宿区西新宿1-25-1 新宿センタービル 49階