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Hiring sales for study abroad service


on 2024-06-09


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Hiring sales for study abroad service

Workplace abroad
Workplace abroad

Kiichi Sudo

Graduated from Waseda University. Lived in the US and the UK for total of 8 years. Worked in finance at Mizuho Bank after graduation for 2 years. Joined Blued in 2021, currently in charge of the Study Abroad Media Department as department manager.

Shota Tanaka

Studied at a college in San Francisco. Upon returning to Japan, joined Rijobu during its founding period. Supervised multiple projects at its New Business Development Department. Founded Blued Co,, Ltd. Blued’s video media business including “StudyIn Native Eikaiwa” has reached total of 1.5 million subscribers on YouTube and now have accumulated grand total of 4 million followers on various social media platforms. Blued’s services include: Japan’s largest study abroad media business “StudyIn”, inbound study abroad media business “StudyIn Japan”, and a media commerce assistance service for those visiting Japan (currently launching). Blued will be focusing on opportunities in the inbound businesses and video media businesses, aiming to transform into a foreign currency generating company in the next 10 years.


Shota Tanaka's story

Anna Kawakami

Graduated from Waseda University. Spent childhood abroad for total of 10 years in Chicago, the Netherlands, and Singapore. Pursued a career in acting for 2 years upon graduation. At Blued, used to be the leader of the Study Abroad Media Department, currently the supervisor and performer of the Video Media Department. Accumulated over 3.8 million followers on social media.

株式会社ブルード's members

Graduated from Waseda University. Lived in the US and the UK for total of 8 years. Worked in finance at Mizuho Bank after graduation for 2 years. Joined Blued in 2021, currently in charge of the Study Abroad Media Department as department manager.

What we do

We specialize in international business. Having Video Media Marketing as our common infrastructure, we operate Japan's largest cross bound Study Abroad Media business, and Media Commerce business providing recreational experiences to tourists visiting Japan. 【Blued's Competitive Edge】 ■Video Media Marketing - StudyIn Native Eikaiwa(904K subs) - StudyIn Daily Japanese(564K subs) - StudyIn Ryugaku TV(52K subs) *We manage 3 other accounts, 6 altogether With over 1.5M subscribers on Youtube, we have reached 4.5M followers on Youtube/ TikTok/Instagram/Podcast combined. Just as the way information gathered changed from newspapers to Google searches, we are in the midst of another shift , from Google searches to searching on video platforms such as Youtube and TikTok. Visual videos are said to provide 5 thousand times the amount of information compared to that of a one minute transcript, making decision making effortless. We believe in a future where video searches will replace Google searches, and having Video Media Marketing as the company's backbone, we will transform our business on a global scale.
Video Media Department. Our beloved channels, "StudyIn Native Eikaiwa" and "Daily Japanese" have accumulated grand total of over 4 million followers on YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok.
We relocated the head office to Sumitomo-Fudosan Aobadai Tower in August 2022. 👏 The office is 4 times bigger! We have also opened new offices in Canada and the Philippines in 2022. We will be opening an office in Australia in 2023 as well.
When Covid hit, we went against the trend and invested in sales operation and recruitment more than any other companies, which led to the company's threefold growth.
Expanded our business to Cebu, the Philippines and Vancouver, Canada in 2022! Even new graduates are being assigned overseas business trips and  launching of new offices abroad.
Our international members are creating content targeting overseas market in the Video Media Department. We are receiving invitations to appear on mass media more than ever. We have hit the Japan's highest view counts of the week on YouTube 👏
We have a media commerce business for tourists visiting Japan. We are dedicated to delivering a new kind of experience to those visiting from the Western countries and South East Asia by providing  recreational opportunities.

What we do

Video Media Department. Our beloved channels, "StudyIn Native Eikaiwa" and "Daily Japanese" have accumulated grand total of over 4 million followers on YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok.

We relocated the head office to Sumitomo-Fudosan Aobadai Tower in August 2022. 👏 The office is 4 times bigger! We have also opened new offices in Canada and the Philippines in 2022. We will be opening an office in Australia in 2023 as well.

We specialize in international business. Having Video Media Marketing as our common infrastructure, we operate Japan's largest cross bound Study Abroad Media business, and Media Commerce business providing recreational experiences to tourists visiting Japan. 【Blued's Competitive Edge】 ■Video Media Marketing - StudyIn Native Eikaiwa(904K subs) - StudyIn Daily Japanese(564K subs) - StudyIn Ryugaku TV(52K subs) *We manage 3 other accounts, 6 altogether With over 1.5M subscribers on Youtube, we have reached 4.5M followers on Youtube/ TikTok/Instagram/Podcast combined. Just as the way information gathered changed from newspapers to Google searches, we are in the midst of another shift , from Google searches to searching on video platforms such as Youtube and TikTok. Visual videos are said to provide 5 thousand times the amount of information compared to that of a one minute transcript, making decision making effortless. We believe in a future where video searches will replace Google searches, and having Video Media Marketing as the company's backbone, we will transform our business on a global scale.

Why we do

Our international members are creating content targeting overseas market in the Video Media Department. We are receiving invitations to appear on mass media more than ever. We have hit the Japan's highest view counts of the week on YouTube 👏

We have a media commerce business for tourists visiting Japan. We are dedicated to delivering a new kind of experience to those visiting from the Western countries and South East Asia by providing recreational opportunities.

【MISSION】 "Global opportunities for more and more people" We aim to provide an environment that could maximize people’s potentials. It’s not about skills but rather imagination when it comes to people’s potentials, because what you can imagine, you can make it happen. We firmly believe that as you nourish your imagination, surrounding yourself in a global and diverse environment will trigger your sensibility and creativity to ignite and make your life better. This has been Blued's unwavering mission, ever since our foundation in 2012. 【Inbound and Outbound businesses are going to change the society】 Back in 1900, 90% of the means of transportation was horse-drawn carriages on the Fifth Avenue in New York. 13 years later, motor vehicles replaced carriages. In 2010 in Tokyo, while most used to spread newspapers on the trains, we now hold smart phones in our hands. History that lasted hundreds of years could look different in only a couple of years, making people’s lives better and more fulfilling. We are here to create a borderless world and change the society for the better.

How we do

When Covid hit, we went against the trend and invested in sales operation and recruitment more than any other companies, which led to the company's threefold growth.

Expanded our business to Cebu, the Philippines and Vancouver, Canada in 2022! Even new graduates are being assigned overseas business trips and launching of new offices abroad.

There are 68 of us at Blued and the average age of employees is 27. 【Previous jobs/companies】 Recruit (corporate development department/overseas start-up investment), Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu (IPO assistance/M&A), Toyota (system engineer),, FiNC(SaaS Ops manager), Rijobu(business development), Salesforce, VECTOR INC., Mizuho Bank, Mitsui Sumitomo Insurance Group, former branch manager at a study abroad consulting agency, former actress, former professional soccer player, former teacher, etc. 【Responsibilities】 We are always on the lookout for new business opportunities and launching businesses. If you are a fast learner and can get things done, we will provide you career opportunities regardless of whether you are a mid-career recruit or a new graduate. A couple of positions we have assigned to our employees include: being put in charge of a 2 hundred billion yen business in their 1st year with us, being assigned overseas business trips and launching of new branches abroad as a new graduate, and being assigned management of multiple KPIs that affect the whole company. Seniority does not exist at Blued. We are eager to assign our employees positions in business development, business planning, marketing and sales planning, recruitment, organization development, and as a general manager. We encourage our employees to have a business mindset and perspective by disclosing our financial statement (excluding salaries). 【What are members like at Blued?】 Sincere, professional, persistent, selfless, not blaming others, honest, unique, frank, positive, competitive, wants to become an international player, a thinker. Many of us have experience studying abroad and some of us have lived abroad and are returnees. 【Nationalities of our employees (including former employees)】 American, British, Spanish, Mexican, Brazilian, Singaporean, Australian, New Zealander, Korean, and Chinese

As a new team member

Hello! My name is Shota, the CEO of Blued. Are you using your language skills to the fullest potential? It’s not just trade companies and manufacturers where you can utilize your language skills! Blued is now at an exciting phase where we are about to expand our business, which means we will be able to provide you with opportunities that require you to face and solve business problems at management level. They say “Growth rate is dependent on how many decisions one makes”. To increase the number of decisions we make, it is very crucial and critical that we tackle more new challenges and execute difficult problem-solving at a fast pace. If you are even slightly interested in what we do and where we are headed, let’s have a talk online! ---------- 【Inbound language trip business】 We are ready to assign you tasks from domestic/international business trips to launching a new business, which include operation systemization, launching offices abroad, signing partnerships with Japanese language schools, market research, marketing, product development, providing consultation for customers interested in studying abroad/in Japan, customer support, opening a booth at an oversea expo, and initiating business with universities overseas. Waiting for your application from bilinguals and polyglots who know languages other than Japanese at a native level! 【We are looking for someone who…】 ・can resonate with our company mission ・can enjoy the uncertainty ・wants to solve difficult problems ・is honest and sincere ・is professional ・has an experience dedicating your time and effort towards something you were passionate about ・has GRIT (you can persevere) ・does not lie, complain, or talk behind someone’s back ・is nerdy (you can be enthusiastic and knowledgeable about your interest) 【What you need to have】 ・JLPT N2 or comparable ・Native level language skills in any of the following: English, Spanish, French, Portuguese, German
2 recommendations

2 recommendations

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Company info

Founded on 10/2012

104 members

  • Funded more than $1,000,000/
  • Expanding business abroad/

3-6-28 Aobadai, Meguro-ku, Tokyo 7F Sumitomo-Fudosan Aobadai Tower