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Data Analytics toolを開発・提供しているLookerで、Inside Salesとして業務を行っております。 現代のテクノロジーを有効活用し、日本のデータ利活用を広げる活動をしています。 - Lookerウェブサイト: - はじめてのLooker ウェビナー:

Looker5 years


- Present

Sales Development Representative

Establishing SDR team in Japan as the first SDR in Japan

Tableau Japan1 year

Commercial Territory Manager


- Develop and manage sales pipeline, prospect and assess sales and move a large number of transactions simultaneously through the sales pipeline by coordinating resources throughout the sales cycle, including product support and sales engineering.

Microsoft Japan2 years

Account Executive, Financial Service Industry Group


- Managing Global and Japanese domestic accounts in financial industry - Communicating and connect with the customer and other sales teams who specialize specific products, such as Windows and Office 365. - Collaborate with other department in our company to solve and the customer's problem and support the customer's project

San Jose State University

Business Administration, Concentration Entrepreneurship

Diablo Valley College


NIC International College in Japan




  • English - Professional
  • Japanese - Native

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