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Tomoyuki Hioki

Aradia株式会社 / 代表取締役CEO東京

Tomoyuki Hioki

Aradia株式会社 / 代表取締役CEO

About Aradia株式会社

Aradia株式会社3 years


- Present

Data Annotation for AI development. We aim to be the company that connects people and AI the most in the world. We are a company that brings together members who have been involved in many artificial intelligence projects and who have manage

About Cinnamon

Cinnamon3 years

AI Solution Delivery Manager


A company developing practical AI solutions for businesses — believes AI technology has the potential to transform the way we work: liberating us from mundane tasks and streamlining processes that, up until now, have eaten up a significant portion of our working hours.

  • 2019年度人工知能学会全国大会(第33回)

    -Attention-masking extended deep Q network (AME-DQN) reinforcement learning algorithm for combinatory optimization of smart-grid energy -Multi-carrier energy hub management through deep deterministic policy gradient over continuous action space

  • QA4AI コンソーシアム

    AI プロダクト品質保証コンソーシアム(英⽂名:Consortium of Quality Assurance for Artificial-Intelligence-based products and services, 略称:QA4AI コンソーシアム)


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  • Python

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