Striving to be a better version of myself

坂 拓哉と申します。FlutterをUdemyなどで自己学習しており、現在友達のプロフィールをリスト化できるアプリを自己開発しております。強みは英語力、学習意欲、チャレンジ精神です。お話しをお伺いできることを楽しみにしております。


In the future


The University of Edinburgh1 year

MSc Accounting and Finance


- Successfully completed a 4-month company-sponsored dissertation spanning about 70 pages in collaboration with Long-Short Consulting Limited and a senior manager at Deloitte UK to examine the Liability Driven Investment Crisis

日本取引所グループ3 years



- Analysed 3-year budget plans and slashed circa 6 million pounds to stem prolonged rising depreciation costs by uncovering unnecessary expected project expenses - Spearheaded process improvement initiatives using Robotic Process Automation in collaboration with over 10 IT


  • English - Native
  • Japanese - Native

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