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Ryusuke Komura

GLOBIS Corporation / Subcontractor東京

Ryusuke Komura

GLOBIS Corporation / Subcontractor

Always supporting people to take action & make the world better

ボストンを発祥とするグローバル・イノベーション・コミュニティであるVenture CaféのTokyo拠点のProgram Director。

GLOBIS Corporation5 years


- Present

- Authored two cases; "My drug Inc." - Topic: The pitfalls that startup founders faces in the early stage "Tokushi Nakashima & Global Mobility Service" - Topic: How to establish the competitive advantage in the technology dri

Venture Café Tokyo6 years

Program DirectorPresent

- Present

- Has a responsibility to establish and manage one of the biggest and growing innovation communities in Japan - Plan weekly events called "Thursday Gathering" that attracts about 300 participants every week

Binnovative(NPO)11 years

Board memberPresent

- Present

Venture Café Toyko1 year

Program Managert


- Has a responsibility to establish and manage one of the biggest innovation communities in Japan - Plan weekly events called "Thursday Gathering" that attracts about 200 participants every week

GLOBIS Corporation4 years

Senior Consultant


- Served as a consultant to 5 clients with the responsibility to aid manage one of the GLOBIS’s biggest accounts - Designed and led 12 customized training programs to improve management skill-sets for 9 Japanese enterprises. Delivered these courses to over 800 their employ

Babson F.W. Olin Graduate School of Business

Entrepreneurship/ Marketing

Fujitsu FIP Corporation7 years

Account Executive


- Account executive with 5 major clients representing $2.5 M in sales: Advertising agency, 2 TV stations, entertainment company and exam preparatory school. Nominated as monthly sales MVP 9 times and won 1 time among over 400 sales force

同志社大学 / Doshisha University




Doshisha High School


  • English - Native
  • Japanese - Native

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