Paige Soh

180 Degrees Consulting / Project Analyst

Paige Soh

180 Degrees Consulting / Project Analyst

Currently, I am a undergraduate at the National University of Singapore taking a double degree in Business Administration and Business Analytics. Being equipped with strong analytical skills, as well as excellent interpersonal skills to work effectively with stakeholders, I believe that I would be a valuable addition to the team.


In the future

In future, I also wish to equip and hone pertinent skillsets, in areas such as financial modeling, data analysis, and risk assessment. I am committed to continuous learning and keeping up-to-date with the latest financial market and regulatory trends. I believe that taking on relevant internship roles would enable me to gain access to inv

180 Degrees Consulting1 year

Project AnalystPresent

- Present

• Assessed current state of client’s programmes and identified gaps for improvement • Conducted stakeholder interviews and extensive secondary research to gather insights on target market

National University of Singapore (NUS)5 years

Bachelor's in Business Administration


Pace Enterprise1 year

Growth Analyst(Intern)

• Spearheaded launch of two new product features (Pace Card, Pace Perks) that value add to the experience of merchants and users • Negotiated with potential merchants to expand brand offering by 8%


  • Microsoft Excel

  • Python

  • Microsoft PowerPoint

  • Microsoft Word

  • Canva



  • English - Professional
  • Chinese - Professional

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