Miho Suzuki

JobRainbow.Co.,Ltd / D&Iアワード運営事務局

Miho Suzuki

JobRainbow.Co.,Ltd / D&Iアワード運営事務局


鈴木美帆/Miho Suzuki ダイバーシティ&インクルージョン推進を牽引する企業を認定・表彰するD&Iアワードの運営事務局 事務局長/ D&I検定事務局 共同開発者|株式会社JobRainbow|University of Toronto |ジェンダー学・宗教学


In the future


JobRainbow.Co.,Ltd3 years


- Present

As a project leader of "D&I Award," which recognizes Diversity-&-Inclusion-empowering companies, I was responsible for launching and managing the D&I Award project, building and leading a team , analyzing companies' D&I data, editing a report, planning and executing an award ceremony, and acting as a first point of contact for inquiries of the Award participant companies.


JobRainbowが2023年8月にリリースした、ダイバーシティを網羅的・体系的に学べる新教育プログラム【D&I検定】の企画・開発・運営業務。 https://diaward.jobrainbow.jp/dikentei

University of Toronto5 years

Bachelor of Arts


Major in Women and Gender Sexuality Studies, History of Religions.

UTM Student Housing and Residence Life2 years

Peer Academic Leader


I have been working as a Peer Academic Leader (PAL) at university residence for two years. I designed and facilitated academic workshops and events for first-year residence students and provide them with one-on-one peer support.

With The World.Inc6 months

Learning Assistant(Intern)


As a Learning Assistant (LA), I designed and facilitated Philippines Virtual Study Tour, collaborating with NGO LOOB, for middle and high school students and adults. I also organized virtual intercultural events and facilitated more than 30 online intercultural classes and

International Christian University6 months

International Christian University


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