久岐 愛奈

株式会社BUB / 八ヶ岳食事改善企画部

久岐 愛奈

株式会社BUB / 八ヶ岳食事改善企画部


I find joy in making people happy and believe that this joy comes back to me. I strive to pursue the smiles and well-being of others, spreading joy through my actions and kindness towards those around me. I make an effort to act with empathy and consideration for others, valuing their happiness. My own happiness is intertwined with the happiness of others, enriching my life. To discover my own joy


In the future


About 株式会社BUB

株式会社BUB1 year


- Present

郡山女子大学4 years

家政学部 食物栄養学科


学童期における栄養教育の実践 -アクティブ・ラーニングに視点を取り入れた日本とカンボジアでの栄養教育ツールの考案-

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