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Keisuke Watanabe

Informatica LLC. / Senior Software EngineerBerkeley, CA

Keisuke Watanabe

Informatica LLC. / Senior Software Engineer

ソフトウェアエンジニア - Informatica LLC. UC Berkeley 2020年12月卒業 - Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences サンフランシスコ在住

Informatica LLC.3 years

Senior Software EngineerPresent

- Present

UC Berkeley


PLAINER Ltd.4 months

Software Engineering Intern


- Built the REST APIs (Ruby on Rails) and the infrastructure of a B2B Saas application that retrieves data from Salesforce, processes and visualizes the data. - Built the administrator features that allow the administrator to invite new members to the organization and down

VALU Ltd.2 months

Frontend Software Engineering Intern



  • English - Professional
  • Japanese - Native

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