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Kai Tannock

Consulting / Freelance consultant on local-issues related to climate, resilience and leadership

Kai Tannock

Consulting / Freelance consultant on local-issues related to climate, resilience and leadership

Mission-Driven Project Champion

My passion is to communicate environmental science and connecting people to take greater actions. I believe that eyes from space and data obtained by remote sensing reveal some of the most important data for sustainability on Earth, and my role is to communicate the data with as many people as possible to catalyze mindset shift. I have seven years of experience in marketing, leadership training and effective communication.


In the future

I am curious and ambitious. I see environmental problems as one of the most significant issues humanity face today. And for the future generation, it is imperative to solve these issues. I am dedicating my professional career for this cause and motivated to take steps. I love challenges and also love to work with like-minded people. Toget

Consulting2 years

Freelance consultant on local-issues related to climate, resilience and leadershipPresent

- Present

Experience in solving environmental challenges with NGOs and a private company. As a career highlight, I won the "Blue Economy Challenge," a prize-based business idea competition aimed at having positive impacts on Okinawa's marine ecosystem and economy. As a project manager and team leader, I planned and built a prototype that won the co

Marine Institute at Memorial University of Newfoundland3 years

Master's in Marine Science


As a graduate student, I am focusing on marine policy and resource management, with a particular emphasis on Marine Spatial Planning. This involves analyzing and mapping the distribution of marine resources, activities, and interests in a given area and developing a framework that ensures sustainable use of ocean space. Through this progr

The University of British Columbia (UBC)5 years

Graduate Certificate in Aquaculture


I have successfully completed the graduate certificate program in aquaculture at UBC, where I gained a comprehensive understanding of the field. The program covered regulations, statistics, engineering, and science used in aquaculture. My primary interest was in developing environmentally friendly aquaculture practices that have a net pos

BACHELOR OF ARTS - Major Geography (Environment and Sustainability) and Minor in International Relations

I majored in environmental sustainability, where I studied both environmental science and international relations. There, I learned the interdisciplinary approach to analyze and provide solutions to the world’s environmental/social issues. The theme of my research was the link between poverty and environmental destructions and entrepreneu


  • Japanese

  • Leadership

  • Data Analysis

  • Management

  • Project Management

  • Highly motivated to learn, GIS, Python and 3 skills

Accomplishments / Portfolio

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