FOM University of Applied Sciences for Economics and Management / Business Informatics (経済情報学)
Game of Blocks
ソフトプロジェクトとしてTerrariaというゲームのクローンをチームで開発しました。残念ながら、プロジェクトリンクは大学からプライベートに設定されて、シェアすることができません。 Sadly, the access to the project is set private. In the project I committed 115 times with 15,926 lines added and 2,104 removed. A sandbox, 2D, online-multiplayer game, developed by a group of students. Designed to be a project of 5 people, it was mainly finished by 3 in under 6 months. The game is a "clone" of the game "Terraria", but due to the restricted time not bugfree and with less features.