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Eugene Wee

Nanyang Technological University, Singapore / Bachelors of Computer Science

Eugene Wee

Nanyang Technological University, Singapore / Bachelors of Computer Science

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Nanyang Technological University, Singapore4 years

Bachelors of Computer Science


McKinsey QuantumBlack x NTU Data Science Hackathon Dec 22 • Emerged as the winning team amongst 35 selected students, conducted prescriptive analytics regarding client’s customer churn, incorporated QB CausalNex library for model explainability and developed a Logistics Regression model to predict likelihood of churn with 96% accuracy.

  • NTU SCSE TechFest 2023 - Singtell!

    • Developed an end-to-end ML demand forecasting model for Singtel mobile phones inventory management using ARIMA and Exponential Smoothing curve to predict seasonal trends, created dashboard using Dash and hosted end-user web application using Heroku.

  • Hall Orientation Website

    NTU Hall of Residence 3 Orientation Full-stack Website (Dec 22 - Current) • Lead Developer in developing a full-stack website for Freshmen Orientation Camp using React.JS with Tailwind CSS, crafted UI/ UX wireframe using Figma and hosted on Firebase. Implemented backend interactions utilising Firestore and User Authentication.

  • The Green World Project

    - Spearheaded team of 4 in performing database modelling and design for both relational (mySQL) and non-relational (noSQL) databases using publicly-scraped environmental data. - Developed succinct queries with DDL & DML commands for data extraction and curated data visualisations using R to highlight urgent environmental issues and effects of climate change.

  • Identifying Phishing URLs using ML Paradigms (Distinction)

    • Coordinated team of 3 in building and fine-tuning classification machine learning models to detect phishing URLs, achieved a high model accuracy of 95.28% from model ensembling (Logistics Regression, Decision Tree & Random Forest) • Incorporated key ML techniques, Principal Component Analysis for data mining, GridSearchCV for model fine-tuning and Ensembling for enhancing model performance.


OCBC Bank4 months



• Conducted prescriptive analytics for project management and received commendations for actionable insights with proposed performance metrics for stakeholder reporting. • Curated dashboards using Jupyter Notebook and documented analytical findings in Confluence.

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