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It took me a while to find my way, but finally succeeded. My eclectic working career allowed me to develop good flexibility and adaptation capabilities as well as a strong work ethic I'm very passionate about my craft which allowed me to progress rapidly and being tasked with increasingly more complex projects. On my pe


In the future

I would like to be part of a company with strong culture and values and ideally, to be able to work on a project that has a consequent impact on our society. I have a strong desire to make Go my main developing language, and become a full time Gopher! I am eager to relocate to Japan.

Ergoss4 years

Web developerPresent

- Present

Main tasks are designing, architecting and building applications as well as refactoring and maintaining them.

ADRAR Pôle numérique, Toulouse, France1 year

Web and App conception and development


Level 3 RNCP title: Bachelor degree equivalent.

Lycée Savignac Villefranche, France7 years

Education Assistant


supervision of students (study, dormitory, etc.), administration tasks, Baccalauréat organisation management.


  • Angular Ngrx (Redux pattern)

  • Go



  • French - Native
  • English - Conversational

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