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Daniel Sinclair Till

Mercari, Inc. / Mobile EngineerTokyo, Japan

Daniel Sinclair Till

Mercari, Inc. / Mobile Engineer

Mercari, Inc.6 years

Mobile EngineerPresent

- Present

- Develop and maintain code in the Mercari JP iOS and Android app - Work with producers and designers to develop new iOS features for the Mercari Live Channel, a live streaming platform offered on the Mercari JP app - Using Reactive Swift, Objective-C, Kotlin, Python

University of Toronto

Bachelor of Applied Science (BASc), Computer Engineering

Specialized in Computer Hardware and Software Engineering. 専門科目はコンピュータハードウェアとソフトウェアエンジニアでした。

  • MannFit — Engineer Design Project iOS Application

    A project proposed by myself, a partner, and Prof. Steve Mann of University of Toronto. Developed an iOS mobile application called “MannFit”, a fitness trainer game application, which engages users to train with Integral Kinetic exercises through a gamification aspect. This application tracks and processes data from the user to compute and display exercise performance and information for improvement in future exercise sessions. The application was coded in Swift. 私と、もう一人の学生と、トロント大学の教授Steve Mannの三人で提案したプロ ジェクトです。“MannFit”と言うフィットネストレーナーゲームのiOSアプリを開 発しました。このアプリは、ユーザーがゲームを通してIntegral Kineticの運動がで きます。また、ユーザーの運動データを記録、処理して、見せます。アプリはSwift プログラミング言語で開発しました。

  • GIS Design —Software System

    Coded a geographic information system (GIS) in C++ with a team. Contributed to the large-scale program using a revision system SVN. The design included functions and graphics needed to portray a virtual map. 私を含めた三人の学生で、C++プログラミング言語を使用して、地図情報ソフト ウェアシステムを開発しました。ソフトウェアにはグーグルマップのような機能と グラフィックがありました。

  • WattBit — Hackathon iOS Application

    For a 3-day hackathon within the Wattpad company, a small team and myself created a simple video game application named "WattBit", which could be played on an iOS device. The objective of the game was to maneuver a player through an edged platform in the dark to reach a book to read. The application was coded in Swift and graphics were developed in Pyxel Edit and Adobe Photoshop. I assisted with the development of the code, graphics, and music of the application.

  • Mood Estimation Journal Entry — Web Application Project

    A group of three developers and myself contributed to a web application university project. The web application tracks and stores user’s accounts along with journal entries, and from the inputted entries using Google Cloud Platform’s Natural Language API infer and display the estimated moods, tags, and themes found within them. I contributed mostly to the front-end of this project which was coded in HTML, CSS, and the JavaScript library React. 私を含めた四人の学生で、大学のプロジェクトのウェブアプリケーションを開発し ました。このウェブアプリケーションはユーザーのアカウントとエントリーを記 録、格納します。記録したエントリーの気分を、Google Cloud Platform’s Natural Language APIを通して推定し、見せます。私はフロントエンドの大部分に貢献しました。ウェブアプリケーションはHTMLとCSSとJavaScript Reactプログ ラミング言語で開発しました。

Wattpad1 year

Reliability / iOS Engineer(Intern)


Developed and maintained Objective-C and Swift code for the core Wattpad iOS Application. Oversaw development and release cycles for iOS with GitHub. Developed and maintained code and servers in an automated testing environment created with Python, Swift, Appium, and Jenkins AWS, which handled iOS, Android, and API code for Wattpad. This

Urban Outfitters5 months

Sales Associate(Intern)


Assisted customers, maintained displays and inventory on the sales floor of a clothing store. アパレルショップで、お客さんへの接客とフロア掃除や棚卸しをしました。


  • JavaScript

  • Git

  • Python

  • C++

  • iOS

  • Objective-C, Swift, Internetworking and 10 skills

Accomplishments / Portfolio


  • English - Native
  • Japanese - Conversational

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