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Fidel Consulting KK / COO
I am the COO of Fidel Consulting KK. We specialize in recruiting bilingual IT staff and management [CTO, CIO, Project Managers, Developers, Helpdesk, etc.]
As a recruiter and a father I think constantly about what will give my children an edge when they head out into the "real" world and actually have to work for a living. Will reading to my 9 year old son each night actually make a difference and should I be reading Sir Fartsalot Hunts the Booger (yes, a real book) or would it be better (if less fun) to read Never Eat Alone? Should I get my 2 year old daughter a Barbie doll for Christmas or would the Nerf Machine Gun help to make her more assertive in her job interview?
I saw your developer position and was wondering if you are able to consider a contract/temp candidate for this job?
- Permanent recruiting (CTO, IT Director/Manager, System Engineer, Developer, etc.) - Interim IT management/consulting - Temporary IT staffing
Teaching undergraduate students about career development and jobhunting.
Japan-Focused MBA in cooperation with the Japan-American Institute of Management Science (JAIMS).