



From January 14th of 2020, New Internship student Mr.Shivam joined our team.

He will work as a Machine Learning Engineer with us.

Now I’m gonna report how he was on his first day of stay in Japan!

初来日と初大戸屋(First visit in Japan and Ootoya)



Before starting his job on 14th, we introduced him to his residence.

He told us he stayed at an Airbnb apartment near Haneda airport the day before.

By the way, I was thinking he must be so tired because of the long flight from India, but he allowed me to take his picture gently and gave me a good smile!


This bag is 29kg!



We introduced him to not only his residence, but also some useful shops which are close to his residence.

This is Ms. Kawata, person in charge of HR. All procedure for accepting him was done by her.


At first, we couldn’t find a conversion plug at Daiso.

But we finally found it at an electronics store!



It was like going on a picnic to walk around the town.

Then we went to Ootoya near Mr.Shivam’s house because I and Ms.Kawata said「Since you come all the way to Japan, let's eat Japanese cuisine!!」.


川田「天丼 てんや なら天ぷらが安くでたべれます!」




こいつら食べ物の話ばっかりだな、と内心思われていたことでしょう・・・。結局、和食はあまり食べたことがないけど、せっかく日本に来たから日本食もたくさんチャレンジしたいとのことで大戸屋に決定!シバムさんナイストライ٩( ᐛ )و


I recommended him a chicken cuisine, and I was wondering if he would like it or not.

…….He smiled and told me it was delicious!

He tried to use chopsticks. He is a person who likes new challenges.


GMOリサーチにはIITマンディー校の先輩がたくさん!(There are many seniours of IIT Mandi in GMO Research)

(left:Shivam, right:Chandan)




We, GMO Research and IIT Mandi have a close connection, that three graduates have already been working as Engineer for GMO Research.

Mr. Shivam, he came to our internship because we received an invitation from Mr. Chandan who was a senior! They told me that they hold welcoming party for Mr.Shivam on first weekend.

By the way Mr.Shivam told me that there were many souvenirs to Chandan in Mr.Shivam’s heavy carry bag! lol

メンターは「helpful」な福原さん(Mentor is helpful guy, Mr.Fukuhara)


チャンダンさんから事前に福原さんについて聞いていたらしく、シバムさんは「Chandan told me Fukuhara san is very helpful😊」と言っていました。私も先週のお家案内時に「He is very helpful」って言っちゃったのでめちゃくちゃハードルを上げてしまったことになります。


This time, person in charge of Mr.Shivam’s mentor is Mr.Fukuhara, who is an AI Engineer.

He speaks English well, is very compassionate person, and he also did mentor of Mr.Chandan.

Since both Mr.Chandan and I had told “Mr.Fukuhara is very helpful person” to Mr.Shivam, I have to apologize to Mr. Fukuhara that I raised the bar against him too much...!

シバムさんからひとこと!(Message from Mr.Shivam)


Lastly, Mr. Shibam told us his ambition to work at GMO Research!


Minasan konnichiwa!

I am Shivam from IIT Mandi, India. I joined GMO-Research on 14th Jan of this year as a Machine Learning Engineer Intern and I couldn't be more happy to have such an amazing opportunity.

I always wanted to visit Japan and now that I have, it's like a dream come true. I am not good at speaking Japanese but I'm trying and enjoying it.

The project I am working on is very intriguing and challenging, and I'm excited to work on it.

I love reading, traveling, photography, playing guitar, and writing. Apart from doing my best in my internship, I want to try each one of the above here.

I loved Japanese food, especially miso soup! And I would really like to visit Mt. Fuji, Okunoshima and Nara Park.

Thanks to GMO-Research for making my dreams come true!





I'm glad to know he likes miso soup.

He also enjoys other Japanese cuisine, for example ramen and sushi!

Then, Mr.Shivam I hope you enjoy your stay in Japan!

Thank you.

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