

In every thursday, guests of WISE OWL HOSTELS TOKYO gathered in the bar named "sound&bar HOWL" in the basement and play a card game. And we called it, "A Card Game Night"

To play the card games with someone from other country, you do not need to speak their language or fluent Japanese or even English. You just play and have a blast.

Rules are simple. Players introduce themselves to other players. Then play the card game like Indian Poker or Babanuki(a Japanese word for Old maid). Winners get prize but a challenging trial awaits for those who lost.

We cannot tell you the details of the prize and the trial, but here is the hint; both are Japanese culture related.

Frankly speaking, a card game itself is the least important part of the card game night. The essence of the event is meeting new friends from the globe, tasting Japanese culture, and having fun. A card game is only a trigger to make it happen.

Since most of the guests are individual backpackers and not everyone has outgoing personality, the card game night is well known for its ice-breaking turning point. You start to play the game with bunch of strangers but when it's over, you are surrounded by your new friends. And that is the jewel of this event. You will be surprised how easily you can get to know each other, even they are from on the other side of the planet. So, eventually, every player is a winner. Because, even if you have lost from the game, you still won the prize. New freinds.

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