






「日経 Robotics」なんと甘美な響きだろうか。日経というだけでかっこいいのに「ロボティクス」ときたもんだ。これはもう…事務所に飾るしかない!お客様が見たら「むむっ、頭がいいんだな」って勘違いしてもらえるかもしれないし。

日経BP社の「NIKKEI Robotics」年間購読だと49,800円もします。これはもう飾るだけじゃもったいないから熟読しました。うん…半分ぐらいは書いてあることなんとなくわかるかもな。そんな感想です。

私の年収は800万円を超えます。800万円を労働日数(245日)で割ると1日あたり3.5万円、1時間当たりの単価は4500円程度になります。だいたいNIKKEI Roboticsと同じぐらいの価格です。





"A magazine that costs 5,100 yen per issue, can you believe it?”

As CEO, my authority to approve expenses goes up to 1 million yen. Anything exceeding that requires approval at the monthly board of directors meeting. You might think it's just a formality, right? But it’s not. At Duckbill, even proposals from the CEO can be routinely rejected by the board.

There have been instances where even office relocations didn't get approved. 'Me: The office is too cramped, and it's affecting our hiring. I think we should relocate, the costs are... mumble mumble...' 'Auditor: Let's hear about it once we're making a profit.' 'Me: Eek...' That’s pretty standard here.

Having been well-trained, I approach approvals with trepidation, yet there's a magazine I desperately want to subscribe to. But due to this rigorous 'training', making that decision becomes quite a challenge.

The reason is the price. This magazine costs a whopping 5,100 yen per issue. Shocking, right? But hold on, it gets worse... it's only 39 pages long (November issue). I did the math. The cost per page turns out to be over 130 yen...

'Nikkei Robotics', what a sweet-sounding name. Just the name 'Nikkei' sounds cool, and then you add 'Robotics'. It's almost too much... it’s something we can only display in the office! Perhaps it might even make our clients mistakenly think we’re smarter than we are.

A yearly subscription to Nikkei BP’s 'NIKKEI Robotics' costs 49,800 yen. It's too precious to just display, so I've read it thoroughly. Well... I might understand about half of what's written in there. That’s my impression.

My annual salary exceeds 8 million yen. If you divide 8 million yen by the number of workdays (245 days), it comes to about 35,000 yen per day, roughly 4,500 yen per hour, which is about the same as the cost of NIKKEI Robotics.

Wait a minute... Does my one hour really provide as much value as this magazine?

Signing off with today’s final stroke of the brush:
”Understanding the value of your own time helps you see the value of things.'"

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