Masayuki Nagamachi

Freelance / Software EngineerTokyo, Japan

Masayuki Nagamachi

Freelance / Software Engineer

Experimence in software development, especially web browser engine for embedded devices.

Freelance9 years

Software EngineerPresent

- Present

Web services for digital publishing and iBeacon (ACCESS, 2014-2015): Server-side

ACCESS14 years

Senior Software Engineer


Developer of NetFront v3 browser engine, mainly the network module (IDN, HTTP, SSL/TLS, Crypto, PKCS and Bignum) and the layout engine (BiDi).

  • NetFront Browser

    NetFront Browser is a mobile Web browser for embedded devices, developed by Access Co. Ltd. of Japan, and was designed to function as an embedded Web browser.

Nagoya University

Physics (Master's Degree)

Theory of general relativity: * Gravitational collapse of a magnetized star


  • C++

  • JavaScript

  • Ruby

  • General Relativity

  • Theoretical Physics

  • Python, Java, Git and 9 skills

Accomplishments / Portfolio


  • Japanese - Native
  • English - Conversational

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