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Howard Hughes Medical Institute / UI/UX Designer and Full-Stack Software Engineer
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- Research Assistant under Professor Nakul Verma at Columbia and Janelia Research Campus - Designing user interface and experience for biologists to visualize animal behavior
- Developed the enterprise website for the financial startup in private equity considering accessibility and design trends - Worked on authentication with AWS ecosystem - Designed Hi-Fi prototypes on Figma
- Established design system and flow for Lo-Fi and Hi-Fi prototype on paper and Figma - Implemented novel ways of representing information on options trading in a concise yet conveying manner in React
- Received Bilingual Engineer Scholarship. - Developed a demonstration for career forums to attract people's attention to promote the compony and its technology. - Deployed at the Boston Career Forum, which invites over 8,000 applicants every year.
- Worked in the Recommendation Division of the Machine Learning Team analyzing data to be used in the recommendation system that teamLab develops. - Analyzed hotel reservation, job searching, and apparel websites using PostgreSQL, Python, and Shell script.
- Worked on developing the digital stamp rally as well as the digital invitation card web application. - Used Python (Flask), HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to work both in the frontend and the backend.
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