James Weber

Freecom Language School / Team ManagerTokyo

James Weber

Freecom Language School / Team Manager

Multilingual Front End Developer

Ten years ago I left my home in Wisconsin, USA and began a long twisted journey around the world, eventually landing me in Japan teaching English. I learned to speak fluent Spanish and Business level Japanese and conversational French along the way. I never thought I would become a programmer as I never had a deep love for gaming or social media. However, I love learning new skills and upon th


In the future

I would like to continue to design and/or code beautiful websites. I would love to work with a company that is improving people’s lives here in Japan and all over the world. 

Freecom Language School7 years

Team ManagerPresent

- Present

-Prepare detailed reports of students' English progress. -Manage the local branch and be point person for communication with head office. -Develop new teaching material.

Ministry of Education, Chiba-Japan4 years

English as a Second Language Instructor


-Implemented new technology in the classroom using podcasts and videos. -Sustained professional relationships with multiple team teachers. -Arranged weekly English Club for 20 students. -Managed class sizes of 20-40 high school students. -Team teaching presenter at annual prefecture teaching conference.

University of Milwaukee-Wisconsin

International Studies/Spanish

GPA 3.84 Focused mainly on Latin American History

University of Milwaukee-Wisconsin5 months

Spanish Tutor(Intern)


- Designed daily personalized activities to assist struggling students - Won “Best New Tutor” award presented by the department - Trained new staff for using technology in their tutoring lessons - Created original practice tests and review exercises to supplement homework

Freecom Language School


  • Google Analytics

  • Bootstrap

  • Jekyll

  • JavaScript Basic


  • HTML5 animation, React js, Wordpress

Awards and Certifications


  • English - Native
  • Japanese - Professional
  • Spanish - Professional
  • French - Conversational

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