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Darren Menabney

IDEO U / Alumni Mentor

Self Introduction

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In the future

I want to help japan-based startups get better at being better communicators, at being better leaders. Everyone needs to be a better communicator to succeed in business, to become a leader. Startup founders need this more than most, they must be able to tell the story of their startup and share their visions with others. Startups need to

IDEO U9 years

Alumni Mentor(Intern)Present

- Present

Asked by IDEO U to mentor "Storytelling for Influence" online course. Provide support and guidance to a group of global changemakers who are joining the Storytelling for Influence course in Spring, 2016.

About Globis University Graduate School of Management

Globis University Graduate School of Management10 years

Part-time Faculty(Intern)Present

- Present

Teaches a unique full semester Business Presentation course to students as part of the part-time MBA program at the GLOBIS School of Management, Japan's largest business school.

株式会社リコー 本社事業所 Ricoh Company, Ltd. Head Quarters11 years

Lead, Global HR InitiativesPresent

- Present

Boosts global employee engagement and corporate culture through developing and implementing global HR strategies and initiatives at Ricoh's world headquarters.

International MBA at Globis

Defence Research and Development Canada6 years

External Relations Manager


Strategic management of DRDC - Toronto's relations with external partners in industry, academia, other government departments, and allied defence organisations. DRDC is a special operating agency of the Department of National Defence.

Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade2 months

Liaision Offier to the Delegation of Japan, G8 & G20 Summit


At the G20 Summit venue, accompanied and guided the Prime Minister of Japan and other VIPs through the G20 Summit venue to attend bilateral meetings with other heads of state.

Canada Revenue Agency (CRA)12 years

Science & Technology Offier, SR&ED Tax Credit Program


Administration of the Scientific Research and Experimental Development (SR&ED) tax credit program in Southern Ontario.

University of Toronto

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