Muhammad Syafiq Bin Abdul Rahim

Lensa Ad / PhotographerJohor Bahru, Malaysia

Muhammad Syafiq Bin Abdul Rahim

Lensa Ad / Photographer

Graduated as a technologist with a degree in Mechanical Engineering Technology. So why am I here? Because passions brings you somewhere unpredictable. That's how I like to live my life. Yesterday I was a manufacturing engineer for an MNC company, today I am a photographer for a team based in JB. Difference is, this time I work for myself and I'm enjoying it. Tomorrow, this hands could be yours. Who wouldn't wanna enthusiastic hands in their office as a Halloween decoration?


In the future

To establish my own concept for everyone to recognize at a blink of an eye. A photographer without concept is just some guy with a camera.

Lensa Ad3 years


- Present

Most of my work is within the wedding business. I work often as a one person job, hence client management is crucial to ensure successful flow since wedding event is usually fast paced.

Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia5 years

Bachelor's Degree in Mechanical Engineering Technology (Plant) with Honour


Through this education I harnessed useful knowledge put to practice such as plant operations, mechanical maintenance, plant equipment fabrication, pressure vessel design and instrumentation diagram. Most importantly, well organized project management is the skill that I used the most in the following career, including my side job.

Celestica Electronics7 months

Manufacturing Engineer


I worked as a junior engineer, providing assist to my seniors while providing guidance to the interns, and also technical operators. I helped to oversee production pace by minimizing process cycle time and maximizing production efficiency.


  • Malay - Native
  • English - Professional
  • Indonesian - Conversational
  • Spanish - Conversational

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