My name is Khor Hsien Kit and I am looking to join an internship programme before the start of my first year in university. I want to pursue Software Engineering as my career.


In the future

From now till I get my degree, I wish to participate in tech internships of different nature. Whether it is a front end role, back end role, data analyst or a QA tester, I wish to gain a wide range of experience from the multitude of roles in the software engineering sector to find out what I am best at. For now, I would like to begin wit

FreeCodeCamp.org4 months

Front End Development Libraries


I learnt about how to use popular front end libraries like React.JS and SCSS

JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structure

I underwent this course to learn about how to use JavaScript

Responsive Web Design Certification

I underwent the FreeCodeCamp course to learn how to create basic websites using HTML and CSS.

Singapore Armed Forces2 years

Full Time National Serviceman


I trained and worked as an automobile technician before transitioning to an administrative specialist role in the workshop (eg. spare part management, management and tracking of oil, tracking of inventory, procurement of waste oil and scrap metal disposal, etc.).


  • Python3

  • HTML

  • JavaScript

  • CSS

  • React.js

  • Problem Solving, Leadership



  • English - Professional
  • Chinese - Conversational

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