My name is Jonathan, and over the 10 years I have worked in several positions that have helped diversify the skills and qualities I possess. My strongest skills are Javascript, React, Vue, Angular, Typescript, Java Spring, GraphQL, AWS.


In the future

I am looking for a new opportunity to promote my skills constantly to master every angle of programming.

A4SAFE2 years

Principle Frontend Engineer


- Optimize React complex components using HOC or hooks in order to increase performance and remove lagging, Configure CDNs to manage static files - Worked mainly with React, Vue and Angular

Infosys2 years

Senior Full Stack Engineer


- Worked in agile methodology to provide communication more efficiently and higher quality for each micro frontend - Was a friend with other engineers to understand context matters of large codebase

TBO3 years

Full stack Engineer


- Increased 3x customers and 2x speed up ecommerce platform by rebuilding with Next.js & Remix. - Used Nodejs & Express for API services - Used Micro-frontend solutions for connecting UI services

WB LLC3 years

Frontend Developer


- Drove front-end development in collaboration with cross-functional and scrum teams, including participation in daily scrum calls, git version control, task management on Jira and communications via Slack

Jiangxi university of science and technology5 years

Computer Science


Bachelor's degree in computer science


  • React

  • Vue

  • Angular

  • Remix

  • Next

  • JavaScript/ES6, Mui, D3 and 12 skills

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