Recently graduated from the University of Bath with a BSc in Psychology. I am passionate about marketing, having done the topic for my final year dissertation as well as delving into it with my personal projects and professional roles. I enjoy designing and animating and am currently learning more about digital advertising. I really enjoy music and am constantly creating designs related to the mus


In the future

I would like to work with companies that are contributing to sustainability movements, including the food and fashion industry as well as technology.

University of Bath, UK3 years

BSc in Psychology


Achieved an overall high 2:1. Conducted five research projects using quantitative (i.e. online surveys) and qualitative research methods (i.e. interviews). Main assessments involved writing quality reports detailing literature review, data analysis and discussion. The final year dissertation explored the effectiveness of awe-inspiring adv

Research Institute for the Care of Older People Bath3 years

Volunteer Researcher (Intern)


Managed dementia-related studies, and organised data collection and participant recruitment. Managed studies on patient experience, and used results to improve clinic services. Facilitated participant recruitment for five projects, simultaneously, through phone and email. Helped other departments including clinics for patients. Contribute

University of Bath7 months

Psychology Research Apprentice(Intern)


Assisted lecturer's project: "Engage with Developmental Language Disorder (DLD)". Summarised over 15 research papers into an easy-to-read format for individuals with DLD, which were published on WordPress. Developed scientific writing style. Utilised feedback wisely to improve summary quality.

University of Bath Women in Science Society2 years



Supervised a committee of five. Worked collaboratively to organise and deliver events. Introduced weekly emails to maintain engagement and foster inclusivity. Facilitated the transition from in-person to online events, organising online events and Facebook group discussions to foster supportive environments. Helped other committee tasks s

Social Secretary

Developed marketing strategies and managed the society's Facebook groups and Instagram. Introduced the use of Instagram for promoting events. Garnered over 450 Instagram followers, increasing membership rates. Designed and managed all marketing materials using Canva, including flyers, digital posters, GIFs, videos, Instagram takeovers and


  • Management

  • Editorial skill

  • Event planning

  • Analysis

  • Highly motivated to learn



Accomplishments / Portfolio

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