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Minh Lai

Tokyo Techies / Software EngineerTokyo, Japan

Minh Lai

Tokyo Techies / Software Engineer

Hello, World!

Student in Tokyo International University, software engineer at Tokyo Techies.


In the future

I want to make innovative products that serves businesses and society at large.

About Tokyo Techies

Tokyo Techies1 year

Software Engineer(Intern)Present

- Present

working on the company's flagship team productivity product named klever

About upto4株式会社

upto4株式会社9 months

Full-Stack engineer(Side)


Implemented a feature that allows companies to give rejection reasons for introducing candidates using Nuxt (Vue.js) alongside Django (Python). The collected data helped improve the candidate recommendations process.

Major League Hacking

Web Developer Intern

Learned CI/CD and implemented Github actions for image compression thereby optimizing website’s performance

Shulman Advisory4 months

Web Development Intern


Worked on the company's internal website's UX/UI using Svelte framework Aided in the development of bookmark feature of the company's internal Website


  • HTML CSS Javascript

  • Svelte Framework

  • tailwindCSS

  • Python

  • Git

  • JavaScript, Vue.js


  • English - Native
  • Vietnamese - Native
  • Japanese - Conversational

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