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on 2024-10-02
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Kani Munidasa
EMC(現在はDell EMC)、Greenplum、Pivotal Labsのエグゼクティブとして、業界のリーダーがソフトウェアを構築する方法を変え、顧客の成功を推進。 さまざまな地域で、業界の壁を超えて事業の革新をサポート。日本生まれ、スリランカ育ちのカニは、東京農工大の機械工学科を卒業。専攻は機械システム工学。 日本とアメリカで18年働いた後、Pivotalを退職し、 教育にかける情熱を追求するためにHack Reactor に移る。2017年、サンフランシスコから東京に引っ越し、Code Chrysalisを共同設立。 As an executive at EMC (now Dell EMC), Greenplum, and Pivotal Labs, Kani helped industry leaders transform the way they build software, drive customer success, innovate, and disrupt businesses across industries in multiple geographies. Born in Japan and raised in Sri Lanka, Kani graduated from Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology with a degree in mechanical engineering, specializing in robotics. He worked in Japan and then the US for 18 years, before deciding to leave Pivotal to explore his passion for education by graduating from and working at Hack Reactor. He relocated to Tokyo from San Francisco in 2017 to co-found Code Chrysalis.
Yan Fan
Wantedly is super hard to use. Hire some UI/UX designers, please! I am currently the co-founder of Code Chrysalis, an advanced software engineering immersive in Tokyo. While working as a software engineer in Silicon Valley, I co-founded and served as CTO Of a coding bootcamp in Jordan, focused on training and finding jobs for refugees displaced from the nearby conflict regions. I started Code Chrysalis because I was brimming with ideas on how to best teach programming and develop top software engineering talent.
Sabrina Migliorini
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