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ICT Platform Engineer


on 2023-02-06


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ICT Platform Engineer

Mid-career・Side Job・Contract work/ Part-time work
Use foreign languages
Mid-career・Side Job・Contract work/ Part-time work
Use foreign languages

James Cauchi

Responsible for Service Delivery at Avinton from solution proposal to acceptance. We deliver solutions development and support in Big Data, Telecommunications, Network Monitoring etc. I lead a small team of hand picked talented engineers that allow us to leverage cutting edge technologies for solving our client challenges. We pride ourselves in cost effective, scalable solutions with a low HW footprint.

Head of Service Delivery

James Cauchi's story

Tibor Szabó

Avintonジャパン、グローバルのサービス企画、設計を担当しています。 現在は、ヨーロッパ、アジア各国から集まったエンジニアチームで世界中の通信キャリアのネットワークを監視、ビッグデータを解析するシステムを構築しています。

Sachiko Nakase

中瀬幸子 Avintonジャパン代表取締役 富山県魚津市出身。 (1時間に1本電車が通っていないような自然豊かな町です♪) Twitter: 2019年年商20億/海外ボランティア&大企業経験から雇用をうみ自己実現ができる環境づくりを志す/30カ国のエンジニア200名所属/6ヶ国に自社サービス展開中 AI、機械学習、ビッグデータといった最新技術を活用し世界中のお客様へITサービス提供し、併せて世界に通用するエンジニアを育成する、というVisionのもと活動しています。 弊社の強みであるAI/機械学習コンサルティングととデータ分析の経験を活かし、革新的なIoT(IoE)サービスの提供を通して社会の発展に貢献します。 弊社の経営陣は、10年以上世界中でビジネスコンサルティングで実績を残してきたイギリス人と日本人のチームです。 30カ国の国籍のメンバーが集う真のグローバル日本企業です。 そして弊社のデータ解析ツールは携帯ネットワーク市場(VoLTE)でシェアNo1を獲得。 今、世界を目指すために最高のメンバーを集めました。 私たちは全員が第一線で活躍するメンバーであり、 他のスタートアップの追随を許さない実力、実績を誇ります。 多数の一部上場企業様と直接取引実績を築き上げてきました。 世界中から専門性の高いエンジニアで構成されているチームの一員になりませんか? 経験・スキルはもちろんですがそれ以上に人柄重視で採用しています。 既成概念にとらわれず一緒に切磋琢磨できる方を歓迎しています!


Sachiko Nakase's story

Avintonジャパン株式会社's members

Responsible for Service Delivery at Avinton from solution proposal to acceptance. We deliver solutions development and support in Big Data, Telecommunications, Network Monitoring etc. I lead a small team of hand picked talented engineers that allow us to leverage cutting edge technologies for sol...

What we do

Who We Are Avinton is a Business and IT consulting company founded in 2010. Avinton currently operates mainly in Japan, UK and Singapore. Our clients range from small companies (50 ~ 100 employees) to Blue Chip multinationals as well as local Government. Through our constant research and extensive experience across multiple disciplines we are able to meet our client’s business requirements in a cost-effective way. We excel at designing and delivering bespoke solutions for complex problems through software solutions or changes in ways of working. ※Avinton machine-learning sample Our services 1. Edge AI Camera: Edge AI is all about running AI algorithms locally on a physical device collecting data on-site. Avinton’s Edge AI Camera is a highly customizable solution utilizing the latest technologies in AI, machine vision and edge computing. 2. Big Data Cluster: Our Big Data Cluster will turn your Big Data into value. Big Data is information assets that can be utilized to derive Business Intelligence, which in turn is the enabling of enhanced decision making, insight discovery & process optimization on the business level. This involves the generation, collection, processing & analysis of your data. 3. Machine Learning Application Development: Image Classification - Machine Learning, Detecting defects within thousands of IC chips inside silicon wafers, Real Estate - Data Analyses - Investment ROI, Fault prediction of industrial boiler equipment with AI & data analytics etc.. 4. Machine Learning Infrastructure Design: Building on our extensive experience designing, deploying and supporting large enterprise IT infrastructure solutions over many years we provide our clients with machine learning hardware solutions to fit their needs. These range from bespoke Deep Learning platforms such as NVIDIA’s DGX-1 to server clusters re-using existing hardware.
自社ソリューションのエッジAIカメラ 特に製造業や建設業で多くの実績、依頼をいただいています。

What we do


自社ソリューションのエッジAIカメラ 特に製造業や建設業で多くの実績、依頼をいただいています。

Who We Are Avinton is a Business and IT consulting company founded in 2010. Avinton currently operates mainly in Japan, UK and Singapore. Our clients range from small companies (50 ~ 100 employees) to Blue Chip multinationals as well as local Government. Through our constant research and extensive experience across multiple disciplines we are able to meet our client’s business requirements in a cost-effective way. We excel at designing and delivering bespoke solutions for complex problems through software solutions or changes in ways of working. ※Avinton machine-learning sample Our services 1. Edge AI Camera: Edge AI is all about running AI algorithms locally on a physical device collecting data on-site. Avinton’s Edge AI Camera is a highly customizable solution utilizing the latest technologies in AI, machine vision and edge computing. 2. Big Data Cluster: Our Big Data Cluster will turn your Big Data into value. Big Data is information assets that can be utilized to derive Business Intelligence, which in turn is the enabling of enhanced decision making, insight discovery & process optimization on the business level. This involves the generation, collection, processing & analysis of your data. 3. Machine Learning Application Development: Image Classification - Machine Learning, Detecting defects within thousands of IC chips inside silicon wafers, Real Estate - Data Analyses - Investment ROI, Fault prediction of industrial boiler equipment with AI & data analytics etc.. 4. Machine Learning Infrastructure Design: Building on our extensive experience designing, deploying and supporting large enterprise IT infrastructure solutions over many years we provide our clients with machine learning hardware solutions to fit their needs. These range from bespoke Deep Learning platforms such as NVIDIA’s DGX-1 to server clusters re-using existing hardware.

Why we do



Avinton has high aspirations. Our corporate mission is to constantly contribute to employee’s happiness, create business value and contribute to society. In recent years, digitalization has progressed rapidly. Now, information is being gathered instantly. This dramatically changes how artificial intelligence (AI) can be used to analyze such data. In the very near future, a business will not be able to survive without utilizing advanced information technology. Competition is emerging not only from the same industry but also from entirely unexpected fields. Across industries, there is now a competition to overturn conventional commonsense. Furthermore, the demand for human resources is increasing. Employees are not only evaluated by their job skills, but also by how they handle new challenges and create value. It is my mission to create an environment where people can achieve self-fulfillment and build careers that can compete in this rapidly changing, modern society. Avinton’s greatest strength is our highly talented team who truly believes in and shares our philosophy. Technologically, we focus on service development in the areas of AI, machine learning and big data analysis. We tailor solutions using the latest technology from overseas, including Silicon Valley. Our particular competency is the development of enterprise products from scratch without using off-the-shelf products. In order to continue being a company that is trusted by customers around the world, we work hard and collaboratively. We eagerly take on new tasks, implement innovations into daily work life, research and develop new technologies. We will keep evolving to solve the issues of customers around the world. We are looking for people who can think and act on their own, and solve problems. We welcome those who are willing to try new things without being bound by the rules and established concepts. Please feel free to come by our office!

How we do



【Accountability】 Our primary goal is to ensure client satisfaction through delivery quality. This goes all the way down to each individual in our delivery team who are personally committed to this end. 【Academy Orientation】 Our collaboration with various Universities and network of SMEs allows us to bring you the latest proven technologies to our solutions which are scalable, reliable and within budget. 【Experience】 Benefit from our extensive delivery experience across a variety of sectors from Telecommunications to Pharmaceuticals.

As a new team member

Job Title: Senior ICT Platform Engineer Job Description: You will be involved in the design and architecture of Big Data and Data Analytics solutions. Responsibilities: ・Requirement analysis ・Architecture design ・System and software design ・Creation, configure and integration of system and solutions ・Monitoring and managing operations ・Investigation of system issues and providing appropriate solutions ・Providing technical support to users Must skills: ・2+ years' experience with Linux/Windows ・2+ years' experience with scripting languages (at least one of Perl, Bash, Python). ・1+ years' experience with IT operations ・1+ years' experience with containerization ・Business level English and Japanese Skills Preferred skills: ・Experience with programming (Java or Python) ・Experience with Big Data architectures and technologies (Hadoop, Spark, Kafka, etc.). ・Experience with Database(Postgres, MongoDB or similar) ・Knowledge of Mobile Telecommunications technologies (LTE, WCDMA, etc) ・Knowledge of networking protocols (HTTP,SFTP,TCP/IP, UDP, etc) ・Experience with Machine Learning and AI Work location: Yokomama, Japan (Currently remote work due to pandemic)
3 recommendations

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Company info

Founded on 05/2010

106 members

  • Funded more than $1,000,000/
  • Expanding business abroad/

神奈川県横浜市西区花咲町7丁目150 ウエインズ&イッセイ横浜ビル 4階