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Aya Sato
Yuho Nishimura
2009年に言論NPOに入り、中国・韓国とのトラック2対話・共同世論調査事業に携わり、言論NPOの基幹プロジェクトとして発展させる。2016年からは、グローバル課題について考える国内の議論プラットフォーム及び世界10ヵ国と対話の場である「東京会議」の事務局を務める。この他、東アジアの民主主義の強化を目指し、ASEANの主要国との民主主義の共同世論調査及び対話を行う「アジア言論人会議」なども担当。ドイツのロバート・ボッシュ財団フェロー(GGF2030)も務める。(2018年~19年) Yuho Nishimura is director of the international department at The Genron NPO, a Japanese independent, not-for-profit think tank. She has led several projects on issues of global governance and democracy by promoting domestic debates and multilateral dialogues with ten different countries. She has also developed track II dialogues and public opinion poll projects with China, South Korea, India, and ASEAN nations for more than nine years, with the aim of establishing a peaceful, stable environment and promote mutual understanding in the East Asia region. She has contributed articles about political and diplomatic issues as well as public sentiment in the region to many newspapers and academic journals. She also serves as the Global Governance Futures 2030 fellow initiated by Robert Bosch Foundation. She graduated from University of California, Los Angeles, where she majored the global studies.
宮浦 洋輔
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Founded on 11/2001
10 members
東京都中央区日本橋人形町3-7-6 LAUNCH 5F