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Business Development

on 2024-05-21


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和泉 正倫

2021年に株式会社キカガクへ入社し、AI データサイエンスの研修登壇やコンサルティングを実施。法人研修・スクール運営・学生プロジェクトなどの業務を担当。 2022 年から教育事業部マネージャー、2023 年スクール事業部事業部長として事業戦略の立案からサービス開発、スクール運営を担当。 「あるべき教育で人の力を解放する」ことをミッションに、スクール事業を通して個人の可能性が最大限発揮される社会をつくりたいと考えています。 千葉大学在学中に、NPO法人企業教育研究会に所属。企業と学校現場をつなぎ、企業の持つ深い知識や技術と子どもたちをつなぐこと活動に取り組みました。全国の学校で出前授業をしながら、「子どもの目が輝く教育」と「学び続ける社会」をつくりたいという思いをもちました。 大学を卒業後、習志野市の小学校で教諭として6年間、船橋市で4年間公立小学校の教員として勤務。研究主任、ICT主任、生徒指導主任などで学級や学校のマネジメントを担いました。 千葉市まちづくり未来研究員として、テクノロジーを活用した市民活動や市政ついて研究し、地域の社会課題の解決にむけて活動しています。

加藤 駿吾

2024年3月に株式会社キカガクに入社し、スクール事業部で個人向けセールスを担当しています。 キカガクのミッション「あるべき教育で人の力を解放する」を念頭に、弊社のスクール事業を通してお客様の自己実現をサポートいたします! お客様の課題に寄り添いながら、最適な選択肢をご提示できるよう努めて参りますので、何卒よろしくお願いいたします!

中島 健輔

株式会社キカガク / デジタルマーケター ・オウンドメディア「キカガクブログ」の運営 ・スクール事業のマーケティング全般 顧客理解を重視したマーケティングを常に意識しています。 説明会やウェビナーなどに登壇することで、顧客とのコミュニケーションから潜在的な需要をキャッチしています。

株式会社キカガク's members

2021年に株式会社キカガクへ入社し、AI データサイエンスの研修登壇やコンサルティングを実施。法人研修・スクール運営・学生プロジェクトなどの業務を担当。 2022 年から教育事業部マネージャー、2023 年スクール事業部事業部長として事業戦略の立案からサービス開発、スクール運営を担当。 「あるべき教育で人の力を解放する」ことをミッションに、スクール事業を通して個人の可能性が最大限発揮される社会をつくりたいと考えています。 千葉大学在学中に、NPO法人企業教育研究会に所属。企業と学校現場をつなぎ、企業の持つ深い知識や技術と子どもたちをつなぐこと活動に取り組みました。全国の学校で出前授業...

What we do

About Kikagaku Kikagaku is engaged in the education sector focusing on AI and machine learning. Aiming to cultivate talents who can properly implement new technologies including AI into business environments, we provide various seminars that allow for the acquisition of essential practical skills. Established in 2017, we are still a growing venture company in our eighth year as of 2024. Over the past seven years, we have provided training to more than 1,000 companies and 150,000 individuals both online and offline. Recently, we have expanded into specialized courses tailored to specific industries as well as career support services, rapidly broadening our range of operations. Please refer to this company presentation deck for more details about our achievements: ーServicesー □ KIKAGAKU A learning site where you can study AI for free: □ Kikagaku A video learning platform for becoming an AI professional. ★ We are currently offering some courses for free!
We have an environment where you can take on challenges!
An environment where you can grow while having fun.
We value interactions with employees even in a remote environment.
Employees can purchase everything necessary for working from home.

What we do

We have an environment where you can take on challenges!

About Kikagaku Kikagaku is engaged in the education sector focusing on AI and machine learning. Aiming to cultivate talents who can properly implement new technologies including AI into business environments, we provide various seminars that allow for the acquisition of essential practical skills. Established in 2017, we are still a growing venture company in our eighth year as of 2024. Over the past seven years, we have provided training to more than 1,000 companies and 150,000 individuals both online and offline. Recently, we have expanded into specialized courses tailored to specific industries as well as career support services, rapidly broadening our range of operations. Please refer to this company presentation deck for more details about our achievements: ーServicesー □ KIKAGAKU A learning site where you can study AI for free: □ Kikagaku A video learning platform for becoming an AI professional. ★ We are currently offering some courses for free!

Why we do

We value interactions with employees even in a remote environment.

Employees can purchase everything necessary for working from home.

Kikagaku's Mission "あるべき教育で人の力を開放する" The ideal education, as envisioned by Kikagaku, empowers people to create the future, links learning to societal development, and ensures that educators continue learning and transmitting valuable knowledge sustainably. By establishing this ideal education as a foundation for many, people's potential can be unleashed, enabling the creation of a brighter next era. We believe in the power of each individual and continue to unlock this potential. In a society where human potential is unleashed, despite the unprecedented uncertainties that humanity will face, people will be able to choose their ways of living more freely, create the future freely, hold hope for the future, and continue to develop. Kikagaku will continue to grow, driven by this mission. Kikagaku's Values ☆Be as One – Fight as a Team Together as a team, we support each other and achieve great missions that cannot be accomplished alone. ☆Be Professional – Aim to be Professional As professionals, we take responsibility for our results and continue to deliver outcomes that exceed expectations. ☆Be the Edge – Always at the Forefront To be a standout that creates new value, we continuously learn and transform ourselves. ☆Be Visionary – Aspire High To realize the future we aim for, we hold high aspirations, continue to challenge ourselves, and are not afraid of failure.

How we do

An environment where you can grow while having fun.

Employee Benefits We actively implement systems that help each employee work more efficiently as professionals. Biannual salary increases Annual performance bonus Commuting allowance (paid according to company regulations) Comprehensive social insurance (health, welfare pension, employment, and workers' compensation insurance) Side jobs allowed Full remote and flex-time systems (with core hours) Training programs available Work environment and tools New employees can utilize assistance to set up their home office environments. Book purchase support system Personal growth is crucial for company growth. We encourage you to read extensively, absorb knowledge, and broaden your horizons! We support your learning journey! Training and certification cost assistance system We offer "100% equivalent assistance" for fees for training seminars, certification exams, and necessary travel and accommodation costs. This system is operated to promote employee learning and growth. Body maintenance system There are massage and gym allowances, ensuring an environment conducive to physical and mental well-being. We prioritize our employees' health. Commuting allowance A commuting allowance is also provided. Holidays and vacations National holidays, year-end and new year holidays. Those who start during the probation period are granted 10 days of paid leave starting the month after passing the entrance exam. Full-time employees are granted 10 days of paid leave upon joining. Parental leave system Parental leave is available to all employees, regardless of gender. Childcare service cost assistance system We offer "100% equivalent assistance" for the amount paid by employees for childcare services.

As a new team member

Kikagaku, a leader in cutting-edge educational technology, including artificial intelligence, is guided by our mission to "unlock human potential through transformative education." Our company has experienced rapid growth, expanding by over 150% annually. We provide corporate training programs for major companies, operate coding schools for individuals, and offer career support services alongside our AI development projects. Having previously focused on adult education, Kikagaku is now poised to develop the next generation of global leaders through advanced educational practices for children. We are seeking a dynamic Principal for our new international school that will follow the International Baccalaureate (IB) standards. The successful candidate will manage all aspects of the school's establishment and ongoing operations, including curriculum development, facility and resource planning, and communications with parents, government agencies, and the International Baccalaureate organization. This role offers a unique opportunity to gain expertise in pioneering educational methodologies, acquire broad practical business skills for launching new ventures, and utilize AI and data analysis to drive project success. This position will enable you to make a significant impact on shaping the future over the next two decades. Position Definition: Job Title/Position: International School Principal Candidate - Must-Have: - A degree from a university abroad or experience in managing an international school - Experience as a childcare provider, regardless of country - Bilingual proficiency(Japanese/English) - Ability to work in the Kanto region of Japan - Nice-to-Have: - International Baccalaureate (IB) Coordinator certification - Graduate of an IB school or teaching experience at an IB school, regardless of location - Teaching experience in international schools in Japan
5 recommendations

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Company info

Founded on 01/2017

107 members

  • Funded more than $1,000,000/
  • Funded more than $300,000/
  • CEO can code/

〒150-0002 東京都渋谷区渋谷2-6-4  渋谷イーストプレイス4階